Ethan Spozarski

Women’s basketball keeps playoff hopes alive after defeating Geneva

Heading into the day, just eight games remained on Waynesburg’s schedule for the 2024-25 women’s basketball season, and with Geneva sitting two and a half games ahead of Waynesburg for the final playoff spot in the Presidents’ Athletic Conference standings, the playoff implications loomed large for this game.   At the end, it was the Yellow … Continue reading

Waynesburg alumni taking advantage of outside work opportunities for the Pittsburgh Steelers

At Waynesburg University, the Department of Communication offers all students an opportunity with several different ventures in the world of Television, Radio and Sports Coverage. For many Waynesburg Alumni, that opportunity has extended onto the field of Acrisure Stadium.  These opportunities started while at Waynesburg, however, they have extended after graduation.  “My first Steeler game … Continue reading

Bechtold and Mysliwczyk’s have a role in the expansion of KDKA+

For the second straight year, KDKA+ and JRM Media are providing live coverage and producing one Presidents’ Athletic Conference football game per week. However, this content coverage all began when a former Waynesburg University student pitched the idea.  “Austin Bechtold, a Waynesburg University graduate, inquired with KDKA about something similar,” PAC Commissioner Joe Onderko said. … Continue reading

The NCAA begins discussions to give all student athletes the chance for a fifth year option

The NCAA is currently in the works to allow all student athletes to have a fifth year of eligibility. This new rule change would not only affect all sports for both men and women, but also Presidents’ Athletic Conference. According to PAC Commissioner Joe Onderko, the NCAA has a federated government structure, which essentially means … Continue reading

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