Greene County is preparing for the 2021 municipal election, which will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 2. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
According to Judy Snyder, director of elections for Greene County, people who are still in line when polls close will still have the opportunity to vote.
“Only those voters who are in line at 8:00 p.m. may vote.,” she said. “The Judge will announce close of polls a few minutes before the time of 8:00 p.m. to see who is the last person in line.”
In addition, she said that the process of counting absentee and mail-in ballots will begin on Wednesday, Nov. 3 when members of the Canvass board are sworn in.
There are several statewide races on the ballot. Kevin Brobson [R] is running against Maria McLaughlin [D] for Justice of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court to replace Justice Thomas Saylor, a Republican, who turned 75 this year. The Pennsylvania Constitution requires justices to retire at the end of the calendar year in which they turn 75. The outcome of the election will not affect which party is in the majority, as there are currently five justices elected as Democrats and two justices elected as Republicans, according to ballotpedia.org.
Pennsylvanians will also be able to vote for a Judge of the Superior Court. Timika Lane [D] is running against Megan Sullivan [R] in that race.
Rounding out the statewide races is the race for Judge of the Commonwealth Court. Voters will be able to make two selections out of a field of four candidates: Lori A. Dumas [D], David Lee Spurgeon [D], Stacey Marie Wallace [R] and Drew Compton [R].
There are several candidates running unopposed in Greene County. Jeff Grimes is running for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, while Gene Rush and Marcus Simms are running for re-election to the offices of coroner and sheriff respectively. In addition, Ron Rose is running unopposed for mayor of Waynesburg.
Residents of the three precincts in the Borough of Waynesburg will be able to vote for several offices. Deborah Hannah is running for tax collector unopposed. Wayne A. Knisely III and Jay Riggenbach are both on the ballot for school director, and voters will be able to make two selections in that race. A list of candidates for precinct-specific races can be found below.
Waynesburg Borough Precinct 1
Council Member, 4 years:
- Benjamin D. Humble [D]
Waynesburg Borough Precinct 2
Council Member, 2 years (Select 2)
- Jessica Cole [D]
- Miles A Davin, Jr [D]
- Lawrence Stratton, [R]
Council Member, 4 years
- Laura Johnson [R]
Waynesburg Borough Precinct 3
Council Member, 4 years:
- Darwin Fitch [D]
Judge of Elections
- Cristy Wise
Finally, there are four ballot questions, all of which deal with the retention of judges on statewide courts. Voters will choose separately whether or not to retain John T. Bender as Judge of the Superior Court, Mary Jane Bowes as Judge of the Superior Court, Anne Covey as Judge of the Commonwealth Court and Renee Cohn Jubelirer as Judge of the Commonwealth Court.
A full list of sample ballots and precinct locations can be found at co.greene.pa.us/department-elections-voter-registration.