Teghan Simonton

Managing Editor

Professor uses lectures to fight drug epidemic

When it comes to the opioid crisis, Michael Cipoletti, assistant professor of forensic science, says information is key. That’s why, for the past several weeks, he has given a number of drug awareness lectures across southwestern Pennsylvania. “Most of it is just trying to answer the public’s questions about how we got here,” said Cipoletti. … Continue reading

SmartEvals proves to be efficient system

After two successful semesters, Waynesburg University has fully transitioned to using the SmartEval system for digital course evaluation. According to administrators, the new system is vastly more efficient and useful to faculty members.   “The information is more readily available, as far as the results from the evaluations,” said Vikki Wilson, registrar. “[Faculty members] are not waiting until the … Continue reading

Local government aims to tackle opioid crisis, files lawsuits

Government prepares lawsuits for 23 medication companies

Multiple counties in Pennsylvania. Two law firms. 23 pharmaceutical companies. Greene County Commissioner Blair Zimmerman knows this is going to be a long fight. The Greene County government, along with several others, is embarking on a lawsuit, pursuing action against companies for over-distributing opioid narcotics to the market. “This has to open companies’ eyes,” said … Continue reading

Univ. responds to national sexual assault deregulation

During the Obama Administration, college campuses nationwide received a “Dear Colleague” letter, detailing explicit guidelines for handling sexual assault cases among students and employees. In September, Betsy DeVos, United States secretary of education, reversed the letter, to allow colleges to conduct investigations and disciplinary measures as they see fit. But at Waynesburg University, according to … Continue reading

After over three decades in nursing, Dr. Nancy Mosser to retire

After 31 years at Waynesburg University—15 of which were spent as Chair and Director of the Nursing Department—Dr. Nancy Mosser will be retiring at the conclusion of the Fall 2017 semester. Mosser is largely credited with the success of Waynesburg’s nursing program during the past several years. In 2016, for example, Waynesburg was marked No. … Continue reading

Central Greene students sent home, official says flooding fears inaccurate

Students enrolled in the Central Greene School District were sent home early Monday, Nov. 6, due to fears of flooding in the southern part of the county. But according to Gregory Leathers, director of Greene County Emergency Management, this ended up being unnecessary. “There was no flood,” said Leathers. “No flood-watch. No flood warning.” Leathers … Continue reading

Community struggles with ongoing substance problems

The drug epidemic in the United States is known to take many forms and to be far-reaching. For Melinda Ford, a resident in Waynesburg, her first experience witnessing the community’s illness was right in her neighborhood, Halloween weekend. On a cold, rainy evening, Ford and her family heard an “agonizing” scream, just outside their front … Continue reading

Local transitional houses in district receive grant funds

When the residents of the Bird Sisters transitional home, in Waynesburg, welcomed State Sen. Camera Bartolotta and other state legislators to dinner in their facility in early October, they made lasagna. Bartolotta said the dining room of the house was packed with residents and law-makers. “They had a wonderful dinner and they were cooking all … Continue reading

Miner receives doctoral degree in nursing education

For Laurel Miner, instructor of nursing, working toward her doctoral degree was not just about the certificate. It was not just about the title. It was about learning how to make a difference in her students’ lives and education. Miner, who began working toward her doctorate in 2014, completed her degree in education with a … Continue reading

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