Teghan Simonton

Managing Editor

Yonko, Holland named King and Queen

For Zac Yonko, senior English major, and Marla Holland, senior psychology major, being crowned Homecoming king and queen was a perfect capstone to their experiences at Waynesburg University. Yonko and Holland were honored at the Homecoming football game against Grove City College Saturday, Sept. 30. They were chosen from a court of 10 potential candidates. … Continue reading

Bowlby Library hosts author book talk

Local readers and fans of J. Judson Lacko got the chance to meet the author when he visited Bowlby Library Monday night to discuss in depth his newest book, “Final Mission.” Lacko, a former airman for the United States Air Force, wrote the first book of his trilogy in 2015, and “Final Mission” is the … Continue reading

EQT donates major funds for new recreation center

Today, Waynesburg residents interested in joining a gym, playing league sports or being part of a community center must travel as far as Washington or Morgantown, due to lack of local facilities. That is soon to change. A brand-new recreation center is projected to open in Waynesburg this November, with a total of 60,000 square … Continue reading

Class of 2021 exceeds admissions goal by one student

Waynesburg University welcomed its largest freshman class to date with the class of 2021 this fall. According to Dr. Shari Payne, vice president for enrollment, 451 new students were enrolled – barely surpassing the Admission offices’ “very ambitious” goal of 450. “We’re so pleased,” said Payne. “It’s a combination of freshman and transfer students, and … Continue reading

Princeton professor emeritus to speak at Baccalaureate service

At a baccalaureate service, usually held around the same time as a graduation, a ser-mon is given to honor the graduating class. This year, Waynesburg’s Baccalaureate and Commencement exer-cises will be held April 30, and the Baccalaureate service will center around the Rev. Dr. Daniel Migliore, the Charles Hodge professor emeritus at Princeton Theological Semi-nary, … Continue reading

University honors donors and alumni

Most of what Waynesburg University students see on campus, according to Victoria Beppler, assistant director of Alumni Relations, wouldn’t be possible without an extensive donor and alumni network. “Everything that’s on campus—the chairs that you’re sitting in, the buildings that you take classes in, computers, books in the library—everything on campus was made possible by … Continue reading

Yellow Jacket wins title as best paper in four-state region

Last week, in Detroit, Michigan, seven members of the Yellow Jacket staff sat around a clothed table in the back of a hotel event room, fists clenched, awaiting the results for Best All-Around Non-Daily Newspaper, at the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Mark of Excellence Awards. There would be two finalists, and one winner for … Continue reading

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