Eva K. Bowlby Public Library hosted their 7th annual 5k Turkey Trot on Saturday, Nov. 18. This is the library’s biggest fundraiser of the year and its goal is to fulfill the library’s mission according to their website: to provide through the use of traditional and emerging technologies, materials, and services for community residents of all ages for literacy, information, fun, and enrichment.
A multitude of events took place, all starting at the Bowlby Library Gazebo out front.
The first event that took place was the 1k Pet Walk at 9:00 a.m., where the best dressed pet won a prize. There were a variety of animals in outfits such as sweaters, flannel vests and Christmas costumes.
The next few events were the 1k Children’s Fun Run at 9:15 a.m., the 5k Walk at 9:30 a.m. and the 5k Run at 9:45 a.m.. The participants could be seen running and walking all around campus, with he top three females and males to cross the finish line received prizes.
The winners of the 5k run were Christian Georgeianna, Bruce Goodman Jr., Brian Canny, Sydney Urbine, Angela Courtwright and Jessica Sumpter. The winners of the 5k Walk included Carl Kondrack, Kelley Murdock, Mike Romesburg, Austin Riggleman, Rachel Riggleman and Michelle Courtwright. The Children’s Fun Run winners were Maggi Courtwright, Kirston Moore, Jacob Kehoe, Malachi Courtwright, Hailey Courtwright and Luke Patton.
“There were also children’s activities inside the library for parents to leave their kids while they participated in the run.” Coloring, books and toys were available for the children, while light snacks and refreshments were on display for those running or cheering on the race.