In honor of people who have made a difference in the lives of students or community members, whether family members, friends or even pets, the first ever “Celebration Tree Day” will plant a tree for each person or group of people who want someone to be remembered. The trees are to be planted Sunday, April 28 from 1-3 p.m., and those signed up are encouraged to assist in the planting.
The trees, which will be protected from deer and other wildlife, will be planted along The Unity Trail and will each have signage with the name of the person celebrated by the tree, senior Rachel Crosbie, intern for The Unity Trail, said.
Janet Paladino, professor of biology, decided to create the event after a request she received last year from a community member.
“Someone contacted me and said, ‘Is it possible that we could plant a tree in honor of somebody who we lost because of opioid addiction?’ and it got me thinking about what the value of a peaceful, serene place would be for somebody to walk to remember somebody.”
A total of 30 trees and signage to be placed beneath them were bought for the event with grants from the RK Mellon Foundation, Paladino said. Because of this, Paladino and Crosbie are hoping for 30 people to sign up. As of Monday, almost 20 people were already committed, according to Paladino. Crosbie said many of those who first signed up for the event, did so to celebrate the life of a passed loved one.
The Unity Trail was created in 2017 as a joint project between the community of Waynesburg and its students. Since the trail is the only one of its kind in town, Paladino believes planting the trees in that location will help establish The Unity Trail as a calm location for community members to walk, not only to help celebrate memories, but to celebrate the environment, as well.
“It’s still under construction, but it’s becoming a beautiful place,” she said. “There’s no other place in the borough of Waynesburg to walk in a wooded area, and urban forests are really important, not only for people and public health, but also for the environment… and wildlife.”
Paladino said she’s noticed that, as technology progresses and there is more to do indoors, people are losing the connection they should have with their environment.
“It’s really important to keep this relationship with the land, because if we don’t have this relationship with the land, we won’t know how to protect it or won’t know the importance of it,” she said.
At the planting event, Shea Zwerver, program and community engagement coordinator of the PA DCNR Borough of Forestry/PA Urban and Community Forestry Council, will speak on how to plant trees properly.
Crosbie said students and community members can sign up by emailing their contact information, the name of the person they would like a tree planted for and whether they are attending the planting event to waynesburgunitytrail@gmail.com, or by contacting her.