Betsy McClure and Mike Belding, republican candidates for Greene County commissioner, are hosting a joint pre-election rally with Comedian Mark Snyder Thursday, October 24, from 6-9 p.m. at Valley View Farm. This will serve as an opportunity for attendees to participate in an open discussion and build enthusiasm for the upcoming election.
The location was chosen to create a relaxing environment where both candidates will present their message.
“My first goal is to create an opportunity for anybody to attend who is interested in the candidates, and they can ask any questions they want to ask,” Belding said. “The second goal is to build enthusiasm for people to get out and vote and to organize help on election day.”
Belding was a volunteer for the county government for six years when he felt the need to pursue the position of county commissioner.
“After six years of volunteering, I came to the realization that the county government is dysfunctional,” Belding said. “I was told they didn’t need help and so the only way I could help was to become a county commissioner.”

With three seats available for the county commissioner position, Belding believes that the republicans will have the upper hand.
“We’re excited to have some young participants,” Belidng said. “With republican versus democrats, we tend to pull a lot more of a younger population than the democrats, which is encouraging because we’re thinking of the future.”
Belding expressed, however, that his interests are not always partisan.
“I’m not a staunch Republican, my principle is to do the right thing every time … we are working with and not against each other,” Belding said. “I think young people recognize that there’s enough conflict with everyone; we don’t need to fight each other”
McClure enjoys working with Belding to communicate their main goals and appreciates the team dynamics.
“Working with Mike Belding has been a positive experience,” McClure said. “We are both willing to listen and discuss the concerns and the options to improve a situation. We understand resources are limited at times and that you have to work with what you have on hand. We believe that both of our unique backgrounds have prepared us to make decisions that are in the best interest of the Greene County people.”
McClure is a career nurse and believes her experience in caring for others is integral in her capabilities as a candidate.
“My career as a professional nurse, with a background in healthcare management and education, has given me a unique skill set that will be an asset to the commissioners office,” McClure said. “I’m driven by my belief that Greene County citizens deserve and can have a better life than they experience today.”

McClure is proud she has lived in Greene County all of her life. She believes Greene County should capitalize on what makes it unique.
“I want to see us leverage our historical strength and small-town roots,” McClure said. “We love the outdoors. I like to say that fishing and hunting are in our DNA. Let’s preserve and build on those things that make us who we are.”
McClure is passionate about bringing opportunities to the county, as well as resources to improve the lives of citizens.
“I believe county commissioner is not a title. It’s a job where we work for the citizens of Greene County … It’s my belief that we are stronger together and will benefit from a culture of working collectively to put Greene Countians first,” McClure said.
As a commissioner, McClure feels that she must make good decisions in the best interest of the people of Greene County.
“They must have facts and look deeply into the measures that describe our strengths and opportunities. This will take work, and I will work on the people’s behalf,” McClure said. “I also want those who attend the rally to have fun and mingle with others that attend. A fun evening is planned.”
As a Waynesburg University alumnus, McClure sees the benefits that recognizing the university provides for the county.
“I believe the university can play a major role in the success of the county. We will work to provide nontraditional technical and industry jobs to encourage graduates to live and raise a family right here in Greene County.”
With Thistlethwaite Vineyard wine, food, a comedian and an open forum atmosphere, the Pre-election Rally will provide an inviting space and the opportunity to discuss the future of Greene County.