The EQT REC Center of Waynesburg is partnering with the Waynesburg Youth Wrestling Program for their 48th Annual Youth Wrestling Tournament on Feb. 21 at 9 a.m.
“The members of the wrestling board, along with High School Varsity Coach, Joe Throckmorton, our employee and coach, Adam Dicken and myself have put together, what I believe to be, a great tournament for area wrestlers,” said Sports and Recreation manager of EQT REC Center Janice Tennant.
Tennant said her greatest excitement comes from fostering a place where wrestlers can perform the sport they love and have invested time in.
“I feel that it is our duty to provide a safe haven, and an opportunity, for kids to continue to learn and compete,” Tennant said.
Due to the continuing pandemic, however the tournament will look different than it has the previous years.
“I am sure for the Waynesburg Youth Wrestling Program, being in a different facility is going to be their biggest change,” Tennant explained. “Going from the Waynesburg Central High School gym to an indoor soccer field can be somewhat intimidating to some of these young kids and their parents.”
The tournament will adhere to state guidelines and mandates in order to be conducted. This will include, according to Tennant:
- Limited spectators to two adults per child,
- Mandated mask covering unless actively wrestling,
- Seating arrangements and separation for social distancing,
- An increase of sanitation and awareness throughout the facility and on the mats,
- Grab and go concessions only, no prepared foods,
- Different instructions for athletes, staff and spectators than in the past.
Tennant is expecting the limitation on spectators to be another key difference. “There’s one thing I have learned about wrestling: With wrestling comes big crowds. Limiting to two attendees per wrestler may have a huge impact on that aspect.”
No walk-ins are allowed. Wrestlers can register online here or print and mail registration forms.
Tennant said there will always be risks; however, housekeeping has been taking every measure to ensure safety.
“It starts at home for each individual,” she said. “If you are sick, stay home. Every person is responsible for us and our community, if it does not start at home, then that safety has been breached. We do our absolute best to provide a safe, comfortable yet competitive, environment at the REC Center for all ages.”