SAB to host night breakfast event in Stover

Tuesday night, Feb. 25, Waynesburg University holds a night breakfast event courtesy of the Student Activities Board. The event starts at 9:30 p.m. in Waynesburg’s Stover Center and has a spread of several breakfast food and drinks.

Food items being served include scrambled eggs, potatoes and bacon, as well as coffee and juice. However, students are not showing up to student events and the lack of student participation worries Pat Bristor, director of student engagement.

“Students ever since Covid, there’s certain things they just don’t want to do anymore,” Bristor said. “They won’t come out as much as they used to. Once in their rooms, they want to stay there, especially during colder nights.”

Bristor and other staff keep implementing events throughout the school year for bigger student draw, but Bristor struggles to find a balance of which events brings a draw, and which events fall flat.

“Bingo is the only thing that is consistent,” Bristor said. “I have Penguins tickets available, and I used to do for games a year, now I do two and I struggle. Normally they’re sold out in the first day.”

The cost of each Pittsburgh Penguin ticket event is $40 with transportation included.

Resident Director for Wilison Hall, Thomas Hyland, is optimistic about the change of student numbers when it comes to events and believes student numbers are on the rise for attendance.

“I think it’s just a cycle,” Hyland said. “As we get further from the pandemic and as technology evolves and things like that, I feel like students are going to start reaching out to more people and getting connected.”

Hyland’s reasoning comes from seeing it firsthand.

“We are starting to see a little bit more of it already,” Hyland said. “Just in the residence halls, guys are getting together and they’re playing games in the lounge a lot more than they have in the past.”

Bristor holds the planning behind the events and in this one specific instance, Hyland is the operator as he will be the host of the night breakfast. The breakfast is held on the second floor of the Stover Center, and Bristor struggles to anticipate how many students will come compared to past events.

“We had one in January, and there were 44 people who showed up on a Friday night,” Bristor said. “I planned for 60 students, and I thought that was good. It’s hard to anticipate how many students will come out.”

Waynesburg’s SAB continues to provide ways for students to connect with each other and faculty members, while being a vital part to campus engagement entirely.Further events provided by the SAB can be found on Waynesburg’s Myconnect page for further information.