Senior captain plays with improved work ethic in final season

The Waynesburg University baseball team has only three members leaving due to graduation, and Noah Lolley is one of them.

The Criminal Justice major has increased his roll each year on the team. Lolley saw time as a freshman and sophomore, but really saw his role increase as a junior where he appeared in 11 games and pitched over 21 innings.

In those innings, Lolley had an ERA of 5.40 and struck out nine batters. He attributes a couple things to his success.

“A lot of lifting – I’d say that was a big part,” said Lolley. “A lot of control work [too], I was probably more wild in high school than my freshman year.”

In doing so, head coach Mike Humiston named Lolley captain for this year.
“He was selected as a Captain because of his work ethic at practice, in the weight room and during games, whether pitching that day or supporting the pitching staff,” said Humiston.

Humiston realizes how much of an influence Lolley has on the team.

“He has proven that hard work matters and can help our team win games,” said Humiston. “His work in the weight room has helped him transform his ability to be an asset to our program. The younger players see his efforts and want to emulate what he does.”

Lolley has definitely seen himself change in a positive way during his time at Waynesburg University.

“I’ve definitely become more hard working; in high school I was super lazy,” said Lolley. “[College] taught me to work harder physically and in school. I definitely never worked this hard at baseball in high school.”

Most of Lolley’s favorite memories have involved his teammates. His favorite memory is getting to know the team as a freshman.

“They mean everything; they are like my brothers,” Lolley said. “They are my best friends on campus. They are [supportive]. They are a pretty great baseball team.”

Lolley loves not only his teammates, but he really enjoys the community of Waynesburg.

“I’ve been to other colleges. They barely know anybody on campus and here, I pretty much know just about everybody, so that is my favorite part about Waynesburg,” said Lolley.

As of April 17, Lolley has solidified himself as a starter, and has an ERA of 4.61 on the year. He has a career-high 27 1/3 innings pitched and 15 strikeouts.

There are three things that Lolley wants to be remembered by for the years to come.

“A leader to the pitchers, a reliable guy on the team, someone the other guys can come to when they need something,” said Lolley.

After graduating, Lolley will most likely be staying in the area, and still be around to support his teammates. He is hopefully going to get a job with the Washington County Jail Correctional Office.

Noah Lolley is not only a good teammate, but a role model on and off the field. His teammates look up to him with respect and his coaches have nothing but good things to say about him.