Student Senate poll results

Brady's Roadhouse

A total of 64 students participated in a recent Student Senate poll, which was available to students through the week of Feb. 28. 

Senate polls are accessible through the “This Week at WU” campus email, as well as the myConnect bulletin board. In the near future, the polls will also be available to students through the updated senate tab on myConnect.


The poll asked a total of four questions. The questions that were included in the poll were:

  • Have you gone to the food trucks on Thursdays?
  • Are there any other food options you would like to see at the food trucks in the future?
  • What is your opinion on the school not allowing non-athletes to use the basketball court at the old gym?
  • With there being many snow and ice days the first few weeks this semester, do you think maintenance has done a good job with snow and ice removal?


Senior senator and chair of the polling committee, Ryan Williams, discussed the feedback he received about the food trucks.

“The feedback from the food trucks have been positive so far,” Williams said. “Students seem to really be enjoying them despite the lack of weekly variety.”

73% of responses said “yes” that they have gone to the food trucks. The most common responses for new food options at the food trucks included gyros, wings, pizza and barbeque. 

Williams talked about why he feels there is a lack of communication between the campus and food trucks.

“They seem to always run out of food,” Williams said. “The food trucks should do a better job at surveying the number of students who attend weekly to be more prepared.” 

Regarding maintenance of snow and ice around campus, 48% of responses said they have not been doing a good job, 37.5% said that they have and 14% said they were unsure. 

The most diverse results involved the use of the basketball court in the old gym for non-athletes, where over half of the responses said that they disagree with the gym rules. 25% of responses said they didn’t see it as a big deal, while 22% said they approve.  

Student senate president Luke Diel talked about the main focus of the polls.

“We are that liaison between students and administration to find and understand the students’ voice to show to the administration,” Diel said. “We are working with so many different areas of the institution, from Gen-Ed to IT to the dinning service with Aladdin, the key for us is to have backup data to get the student voice to the administration.”

In an attempt to not overload students and add weight to each poll, the senate plans to start conducting polls every other week.

“We don’t want to do a poll every week, so students don’t think that this week’s poll doesn’t have as much impact,” Williams said. “We feel having a poll every other week adds a little more weight to the poll and gives students more reason to complete them and voice their opinions.”