Top 10 worldwide cuisines

As stated in the 1968 film, “Oliver,” “Food, glorious food! People are anxious to try it.”

 We all love food, but the real question is what is your favorite cuisine? According to, a cuisine is a style of cooking characterized by distinctive ingredients, techniques and dishes, and usually associated with a specific culture or geographic region. In this article, I will list out my top 10 favorite cuisines and try not to get hungry in the process. 

Starting at number 10, we have to put the American cuisine. For some people, this is an interesting pick, however, when I think about this cuisine other than barbecue, there are other cuisines. For example, pizza, fries, and hamburgers are all part of America’s favorite foods but they do not originate in America. 

At number nine on the list is Indian cuisine. I believe that this is an agreeable pick because of the spiciness of their dishes. According to Zoe Li’s CNN article posted on their website on May 2, 2023, titled, “10 best cuisines in the world,” it states, “In Indian cuisine, there are no rules for spice usage as long as it results in something delicious.” I do agree with that but there are times when the deliciousness of a dish can be overpowered by the heatness of spice.

My eighth-ranked cuisine is Thai. When I lived in California, I actually lived in a city where Asian cuisines were all over the place. I would believe Thai cuisine is similar to other Asian influences more likely to Chinese cuisine. It also does include some spices in their dishes but it does not taste spicy at all. 

At number seven on this list, I am going with Greek cuisine. I have not had Greek food in about a year, but I must say they are one of the prettiest cuisines around and the taste does match the presentation. If I had it more recently I would have had this in the top five.

The sixth spot is taken by Japanese cuisine. To be honest, I am not a fan of sushi. I haven’t tried it and probably won’t try it.  However, everything else that I have eaten is good and once again the presentation is also a plus as well. 

, Mynumber five cuisine is Mexican. Yes, it is a controversial pick but once again I lived in California and just like the Asian cuisines, there were also Mexican joints all over the place as well.

Then, at number four on the list, is Spanish cuisine. Now, some may think it is similar to Mexican cuisine, but it is not. Spain cuisine features the Paella, which is a rice dish with seafood. And of course style food, Churros. It is also similar to Greek cuisines as they use olive oil very extensively.

At number three, I am going with French cuisine. First, there is a popular Disney movie that is named after one of the dishes: Ratatouille. That is what got me intrigued about this cuisine in the first place, after eating that very same dish and other dishes like macaroons. The presentations do not make sense but the taste is so divine. It is a weird combination but it works. 

However, it is not good enough to be in the top two. My number two spot on this list is Chinese cuisine. According to Alexandra Caspero’s Delish Knowledge online article that was posted on Nov. 28, 2023, “14 Countries People Voted to Have the Best Cuisines in the World,” “China’s regional cuisine are so wide, it’s hard to believe they’re from the same nation. It’s hard to summarize the vastness of Chinese food, but it’s a classic favorite cuisine for a reason.” The quote just explains it all. It is the go-to cuisine if you want to be shocked when it comes to food. 

No matter how good Chinese food is, it does not ascend to the number one ranked cuisine in the world. That belongs to Italian cuisine. Let me spell this out: pizza, spaghetti, salami, lasagne, fettuccine, and of course the most popular morning drink in the world, coffee. “Italian food has captivated taste buds around the world for centuries,” Li wrote. “With its zesty tomato sauces, those clever things they do with wheat flour and desserts that are basically vehicles for cream. It’s all so simple.”

Does your top 10 agree with mine?