Before it had started, one student had no idea what they were in for whenever they had hopped into the school van. They were told they were traveling to the Promise Camp & Retreat Center in Clinton, Pennsylvania. What they would learn that weekend would help form themselves into someone new, someone who was passionate and intentional with sharing the word of God.
Rachel Woelke, a junior cybersecurity major, attended the Kairos retreat for the first time this past weekend. Kairos is one of the most anticipated events in the campus ministry area of the semester. It is very promoted, and is seen as one of the most impactful events that they hold.
Woelke was challenged by Kairos, taking many important things away that are prevalent in our daily walk of life. Rachel’s main takeaway point was “to truly love one, we are called to love, that there is not only love in words, but in actions as well”.
Kairos was led by mostly students, with some staff doing more of the background and preparation for the retreat. The retreat was led by a graduate assistant and a handful of students. Sadie Ruoss, a junior nursing major, had enjoyed being a student in Kairos so much that she wanted to come back and help be a leader, with some special roles.
“Last year as a student, it was really impactful to my faith, but I thought it would be a really cool perspective change, just to see how it affects other students, because, I think it’s very different to see how the leaders view the students than the other way around, just to be a part of that is really cool,” Ruoss said.
The word “Kairos” is an ancient greek word that translates to the phrase, “the appointed time in the purpose of God.”, the leaders of Kairos this weekend surely tried to emulate that this weekend.