Waynesburg students reach each other through variety of Bible studies

Waynesburg University’s Center for Campus Ministry provides students with opportunities to get involved with Christian life on and off campus. One option that students have is a variety of Bible studies held throughout the week. 

Josh Sumpter, University Chaplain and assistant professor of Biblical and Ministry Studies specified the Bible studies that the University offers, saying,, “Specifically, through the Center for Campus Ministry, there are six Bible studies.” The Bible studies that Campus Ministry Assistants lead are a men’s Bible study, a woman’s Bible study, “Prayer at 10,” a Tuesday afternoon Bible study, a sunrise woman’s Bible study and a Thursday evening Bible study.

“We want students to reach students, and so there’s student led opportunities to dig into scripture and to create space for students to get to know each other,” Sumpter said. The purpose of having a variety of Bible studies on campus for both men and women at different times and on different days is to “create entry points for different students here on campus who might be looking for something specific,” as stated by Sumpter. 

The men’s Bible study meets every Monday evening in the Center for Campus Ministry on the first floor of the Stover Center. The Bible study is referred to as a “Men’s Huddle,” and they gather at 7 p.m.

 Sophomore Children and Youth Ministries major, Hannah Church is one of four student leaders for the Monday evening women’s Bible study, which is known as, “Am I Doing This Right?” They meet every Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. in the lower lounge of Burns Hall. 

“It’s focused on the fact that nobody’s perfect. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been a Christian; nobody is doing anything perfectly,” Church said, noting that she wants people who don’t know where to start with faith to have a less intimidating and more welcoming place to go for Bible study.

“Prayer at 10” meets in Roberts Chapel at 10 p.m. on Mondays. While it is listed as one of the six Bible studies, Sumpter describes it as, “an opportunity for students to gather for prayer, prayer for one another, prayer for our campus, prayer for our nation.” 

At 7 a.m. on Wednesday mornings, the sunrise Women’s Bible study meets in one of the on-campus houses, 64 Wayne St. This Bible study is going through the book of Esther. Senior Children and Youth Ministries major as well as the leader of this Bible study, Ella Chandler, said, “We start off our day in prayer, in the Word and with God so that no matter what’s going on throughout the rest of the week they can have an hour of peace and joy.” 

The President’s House Bible study is held at 309 N Morris St at 9 p.m. on Thursdays and is open to anyone on campus. Sophomore Nursing major, Ashlyn Spina said, “The book we’re doing right now talks about God’s love and what it looks like through you and how you can show that love to others, but also what it looks like being loved.” Spina hopes that those attending the Bible study will see how to “be a light on campus,” and their actions start to be more loving and show what it means to be loved by Christ. 

“This Fall, the level of student engagement is greater than any semester that I have been here in regard to Bible studies. Right now, we are averaging well over 115 students engaged on campus across those five studies led by Campus Ministry Assistants,” Sumpter said. “It brings me great joy to see our students inviting and creating space for people and to see the growth that is taking place here at Waynesburg.” 

The men’s huddle has averaged 18 men over the first three weeks of meetings. The Burns women’s Bible study has averaged 20 women over that same span. The Tuesday afternoon Bible study has 15 people attending on average. The sunrise women’s Bible study has an average of 25 women each week. The President’s House Bible study has averaged 40 participants so far. 

Students have the option of attending just one or multiple Bible studies through the Center for Campus Ministry throughout the week. Additionally, there are other Bible studies happening on campus hosted by groups or individuals not associated with the Center for Campus Ministry, with Sumpter adding, “There is a football team Bible study and a track team Bible study.” 

More information about how to get involved in a Bible study can be found in the Center for Campus Ministry, by talking with Sumpter, graduate assistant Michaelena Hammond or any of the Campus Ministry Assistants.