In a state where 99.6 percent of businesses are small businesses, nearly half the workforce, the availability of resources and tools for entrepreneurs takes top priority. That’s according to Dennis M. Davin, secretary of Community and Economic Development – and that’s what led the office of Gov. Tom Wolf to create, earlier this year, the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop, a new website supported by a team of business experts.
In a news release, Wolf said he launched the site to serve as a guide to small businesses through all stages of development.
“I know first-hand how difficult it can be as a business owner to navigate through the complex web of processes, requirement and resources that are needed to successfully run a business,” said Wolf. “That’s why I tasked my administration to come together across agencies to simplify the process so entrepreneurs can get back to doing what they do best – creating, innovating and succeeding in Pennsylvania.”
The Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop, which officially launched Feb. 7, greets users on the landing page with the headline, “Welcome to your guide for doing business in Pennsylvania,” before it provides an organized list of links to critical documents business owners need access to.
The creation of the website was described as an interagency collaboration among the departments of State, Labor and Industry, Revenue and the Office of Administration, according to the news release. Before, entrepreneurs would have to gather information from the different offices throughout the planning, startup and operation processes, which include business plan templates, registration, tax forms, licensing requirements and more. Now, all of those resources are in one place.
Several State Representatives across Pennsylvania have expressed support for the new site, including Rep. Jared G. Solomon, Rep. Brian Ellis and even Democratic Chairman of the House Commerce Committee Rep. W. Curtis Thomas. Rep. Pam Snyder, of the 50th Legislative District, was unable to be reached for comment.
Whether or not the site will have direct effects on the local level has yet to be determined, however.
Melody Longstretch, executive director of the Greene County Chamber of Commerce, said she has not yet visited the new site. She said her organization assists new businesses in the same way the Pennsylvania Business One-Stop Shop does: providing information and resources to local entrepreneurs.
“We provide information for those interested in starting their own business and the first thing that we do is to direct them to the University of Pittsburgh’s Small Business Development Center…” said Longstretch. “The Chamber and the SBDC work well together; they help the business get up and running and then the Chamber helps them promote and grow the business.”
In a newsroom blog post published by Gov. Wolf’s office, Davin said the goal is to make starting a business easier in Pennsylvania and to help the economy thrive.
“Our state is leading the way for successful businesses and communities with innovation, imagination and a legendary can-do spirit, and we hope this resource and the information it provides will inspire you to join our vibrant and supportive business community and turn your vision into a reality,” Davin said.