A grant request for $15,000 was approved by the EQT Corporation for use by the Flenniken Public Library located on 102 E. George St. in Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. The grant will be utilized throughout the year for a series of events and classes focused on helping children develop technological knowledge and skills.
The first event, Augmented Reality Discovery Day, will occur Saturday, Feb. 29, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
“The Discovery Days are designed for the public to have hands-on experience to get to know the new technologies available,” said Nicole Mitchell, director of the Flenniken Library.
Flenniken will have workshops and classes on app and video game design and modeling, creating virtual worlds, basic coding, stop motion movie making and film production and editing.
“This informational event is important because it gives the community access to these technologies that they might never have,” Mitchell said. “My hope is that it will inspire patrons to sign up for future workshops for more in-depth experiences and possibly spark a love of technology.”
The grant request was submitted in August 2019 for approval at the September 2019 meeting. All grant requests were held over to the December 2019 meeting where they were approved and the check was received in January 2020.
This is the fourth grant the library has received since 2017. The other grants provided a 3D printer, computers and Makerspace clubs.
According to eqt.com, since the foundation’s creation in 2003, it has awarded over $57 million to nonprofits in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia. There are four grant cycles a year on the first of February, May, August and November available to nonprofits “that make a difference in the lives of the individuals and families they serve.”
Foundation Manager for EQT Ellen Rossi said EQT funds projects that meet the criteria of their priority areas and that fall within the geography of their giving footprint.
“We will only fund programs that benefit areas where EQT Corporation has business operations,” Rossi said. “For us, that’s Greene and Washington counties in Pennsylvania…”
Rossi said once an organization receives a grant, the relationship remains transparent and progress is tracked regarding spending.
“I believe it’s important for the nonprofits we support to show us what impacts they’re having,” Rossi said.
Mitchell is interested in partnering with education and computer science majors from California University of Pennsylvania and Waynesburg University to assist in the creation of the workshops and programs within the Flenniken Public Library and to help with running them.
Rossi is heavily invested in the communities and nonprofits that EQT assists and is passionate about those same programs applying for grants that can provide those opportunities.
“I have made remarkable friendships and am so proud of the programs EQT has funded over the years,” she said. “I believe we’re making change with every dollar invested.”
Rossi can be reached at erossi@eqt.com or 412-553-7703 for further information on applying for grants.