The Bowlby Public Library will be holding a puzzle challenge on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 9:30 a.m. The theme this year is Gatsby.
The library’s Executive Director, Kathy McClure, provided insight into what exactly takes place at this event.
“We allow 10 groups of two to enter, and we buy 10 puzzles that are exactly the same,” McClure said. “They have up to three hours to put together a 500-piece puzzle. Traditionally, we have a lot of the same groups come each month, but we always gain one or two new teams as well.”
Bowlby Library has been holding this event for two years, and according to McClure, receives a lot of attention each month from the community.
“It’s just a fun, nice, Saturday morning activity and we have a lot of puzzle lovers out there, obviously!” McClure commented. “We usually give out prizes, but most people now say that we shouldn’t even worry about the prizes because they just like coming so much.”
Because of how often this event is held, the competitors progressively get better and better each time.
“We have thought about making the puzzles 750 pieces because most of the participants get them done in about an hour and a half (rather than the given three hours),” McClure said regarding some of the regulars at the puzzle challenge.
The idea for this event came from McClure herself as a way to get adults from the community to come together, get to know each other and partake in a competitive, yet relaxing Saturday.
“I like to do puzzles myself, so I was trying to think of adult activities that would be fun for them, and it ended up being a really great program,” McClure said. “I just shared all of this information with the Rural and Small Libraries conference because it is one of our success stories here for adult programs.”
McClure is also looking to include more college students in the event as it grows each year and incorporate Waynesburg University into it.
The puzzle challenge is held each month at Bowlby, with there being a sign-up on their website. Walk-ins are also welcomed last minute as long as the limit of 10 groups is not exceeded.