Chairperson for the Business Administration Department and Professor of Marketing Gordon McClung believes that the senior class has taught the department, specifically the faculty, grace and flexibility.
“In my experience, the senior class was open to changes in delivery methods,” McClung said. “They were also understanding that their professors were also having to adapt to change during that time. They gave us the grace to grow as we were forced to adapt to change.”
McClung explained that the Leadership & Stewardship course these students have taken demonstrated their skills and ability to solve local and regional problems through service.
“This was a particularly challenging task to accomplish given that their service had to be conducted virtually,” McClung said. “It was a rewarding experience guiding them as they explored their gifts and used them to benefit the community. From grant writing, to enhancing social media reach, to providing Thanksgiving dinners (and much more), these seniors have created sustainable solutions to real-world problems.”
“Waynesburg University is my home away from home,” said senior international business major Heather Walker.
“It fit the criteria I was looking for: A small, Christian school that was not too far of a drive from home,” Walker said. “I felt like it was the perfect place for opportunities of making life-long friends, academically excelling and learning about the world.”
Walker is a member of the business honor’s society Sigma Beta Delta, Vice President of the Newman Club, Music Coordinator at St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Student Senate Senator and a Student Ambassador. However, Walker’s favorite experience involved studying abroad.
“I got to study at Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland for my Spring 2019 semester,” Walker explained. “I got to meet students from all over the world and explore different countries.”
Walker is planning on finishing her master’s degree in applied business here at Waynesburg University and starting a full-time position at Development Dimensions International in the Global Operations & EU Licensees Department in Pittsburgh.
“I would just like to say I am extremely thankful for all the professors who helped me grow the past four years,” Walker said. “The professors in the business department have truly motivated and encouraged me to constantly push myself to get where I am today. I definitely feel more confident about where my future will take me because of the foundation they have all given me.”
Senior Megan Studebaker is also a member of the Sigma Beta Delta National Honors Society for Business, Management, and Administration and was a previous member of the NCAA DIII Student Athlete Advisory Committee during her time as a member of the cross country and track team in her first three years at Waynesburg.
Studebaker remembers being drawn to this campus by the people.

“I was welcomed with open arms not only by future teammates but by several others around campus,” she said. “Smiles beamed on the faces of virtually everyone I passed, and it seemed like everyone was just genuinely excited to see me and have me there. I will always remember that feeling.”
Studebaker said the people here on-campus have been her most memorable experience and that it will be those memories that she will “always cherish.”
“To my professors: I wish I could explain in words how much encouragement you have given me without even realizing it. You continuously instilled confidence in me that I truly needed and pushed me to do more than I thought was possible,” Studebaker said. “If you would have asked me three years ago, I would have told you I didn’t think I would make it to this point. I am here today, preparing to graduate with confidence and hope, because of you. Thank you.”
After graduation, Studebaker plans to spend intentional time at home and pursue potential job prospects.
“It was a very well-developed program and I felt it was the best one to set me up for success in the future,” senior Christopher Lee said when deciding to pursue business. “My mom and dad were both business majors and they have been a huge inspiration to me.”
Lee was also drawn to Waynesburg for baseball and believes it has helped him excel in the classroom.
“Baseball has taught me a lot about discipline and time management,” Lee said. “I cannot thank my coaches, Mike Humiston and Coach Bill Stough, enough for the opportunity to not only be a better person but to help me succeed in baseball as well in my studies.”
Lee will remember the willingness of professors to help their students and the relationships he has developed along the way the most from his time here on-campus.
“That is what is special about this university. For these professors it is about going above and beyond for their students,” Lee said. “I have met so many bright and intelligent students who have not only helped me along the way but also pushed me to be the best student I could be in the classroom.”
Lee said his gratitude runs deep for the professors here oncampus and that he would not be where he is today without them.
“I would like to especially thank Professors Roy, McClung, and Stough. Professor Roy was my advisor for the four years I was here. She had to deal with my many emails and answered so many questions for me throughout the years. The many times I came into an advisor meeting with nothing in my cart was too many and she helped guide me to where I am today, and I cannot thank her enough,” he said.
Lee plans to complete his master’s degree here at Waynesburg and take the opportunity to play one last year of baseball. For the long-term, he is not quite sure.
“We are in some unfamiliar territory with a global pandemic, but I would ideally like to lead a group of individuals in a management position,” Lee explained. “I understand that is a broad statement, but I am going to go where God leads me and I am going to take full advantage of the opportunities I am granted in the future. I also want to give back to the community and set a good example for all the people who may look up to me in some way.”
McClung told the senior class to use the gifts God has given them to build a life that will help them finish well.
“Each one of you is specially equipped for carrying out work, but that work might change with time and experience. Never let the fear of the unknown deter you from following what the Lord has placed on your heart,” he said. “It is easy to start well, but it is challenging to finish well.”
This article along with many others are included in the 2021 Commencement Issue of The Yellow Jacket. The full print layout version can be viewed here.