Campus photo contest to showcase WU

This fall brings a new event to Waynesburg University’s campus. For the first time, students, faculty and staff are invited to participate in a photo contest dedicated to showing what life on campus is all about. The contest will run for the entire month of October and will showcase the best photos of Waynesburg’s campus in the fall.

Joshua Beppler, integrated marketing coordinator, is in charge of managing the photo competition event. Beppler said he believes that students, faculty and staff can photograph Waynesburg University in a way that other photographers cannot.

“We’re hoping they can capture what campus looks like through their eyes and how they experience it,” said Beppler, “highlight what Waynesburg is all about in a way that we can’t capture… in ways that really gives you a more intimate look on Waynesburg University as a whole.”

One winner will be announced at the end of the contest and will receive Fitbit as their prize. Although there will be a official winner picked from the photographers, additional prizes may be announced for other photographers who do well in the competition.

Beppler said many of the photos taken for the competition will, with permission from the photographers, potentially be used for other purposes, such as university advertisements and social media pages

“I think it will be fun and a nice engaging campus activity, especially showcasing some of the stuff on social media, just to help really paint that picture,” said Beppler.

Beppler said the idea for the competition started when he and some coworkers were talking about the Waynesburg photo catalogue, which they are currently working with photographers to update.

“There have been so many changes recently,” said Beppler. “We want to make sure we are capturing what life looks like inside and outside of the classroom, and we just thought the best way to gain insight into Waynesburg as a whole is through the eyes of the students and people who experience it daily.”

Beppler said he and his coworkers feel that the timing for the contest was aligned well with the season, with the nice weather and fall colors. Beppler also believes there is a good likelihood that they will have this event again in the future, perhaps during different seasons.

Beppler said he is eager for everyone to  be involved with this event.

“We want participation that just really captures the essence of Waynesburg. Students have such a better opportunity to really show us what Waynesburg really looks like,” said Beppler.