After a nearly a two-year long investigation, special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, handed in his report on the possible Russian involvement in the 2016 Presidential Elections March 22. Two days later, Attorney General William P. Barr presented a four-page summary of the report. The special counsel investigation began in May 2017.
Barr summarized President Donald Trump and his aides did not coordinate with the Russian influence in the election. He also said the report drew no conclusions on whether President Trump illegally obstructed justice. Both Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein determined there was a lack of legitimate evidence in what the special counsel gathered. Barr added Mueller does not clear Trump from the possibility.
A senior Justice Department official said March 22 Mueller will not recommend any new indictments. This ends the speculation that Mueller might charge some of Trump’s aids. Trump said that the report findings were, “an illegal takedown that failed.”
Democrats are not happy with what Barr shared. Since the report came closer and closer to being presented, the Democratic party has voiced they want the entire report to be available to the public. The party may even begin a legal battle for it to be released, according to The New York Times. Democrats also had discussions of impeaching the president once the report was released.
Republicans have been quick, reported The New York Times, to vocalize the country should move on from the report’s topics and the possibility of illegal action from Trump.
Barr said he plans on making the report mostly available to the public. The attorney general said in his summarization, however, that some of the information cannot be released due to grand jury material not being able to be released according to law.
Barr will send lawmakers to Capitol Hill his summary that he is required to submit by law.
On the report possibly being made available to the public, President Trump did not seem to care if the report was released or not.
“Up to the attorney general,” Trump said, “Wouldn’t bother me at all.”
Russian officials have had their own reactions to the report. The U.K.-Russian embassy posted a tweet with a picture of an article about the Mueller report.
“That awkward moment when another anti-Russian fake crumbles to dust,” read the tweet. “Excuses, anyone?”
According to USA Today, most Russians are relieved the conspiracy is over. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov mentioned March 25 “a Chinese philosopher who said, ‘It is hard to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there.’”