Chief executive officer of Greene County Community Foundation retires

After being the jack of all trades for the Greene County Community Foundation for 15 years, Bettie Stammerjohn, the chief executive officer, is going to retire from her position. Stammerjohn is one of only two staff members at the foundation and has taken on many responsibilities in her time spent serving Greene County. 

“I am responsible for raising money, making sure that our marketing and the messaging is appropriate, working with newspapers, magazines, doing advertising, managing, and working closely with the board of directors to oversee our goals and activities,” Stammerjohn said.

Stammerman has spent her whole life working in nonprofits but said she never thought her work would lead her to Greene County and take on the role that she did. 

“I never thought I would be a fundraiser,” Stammerjohn said. “God obviously had other plans for me. That is what I say when I look back, I see God preparing me for this job.”

Being in the field for so long has had such a strong, long term effect on Stammerjohn. She believes this job has shaped her into the person she is today.

“I say this to a lot of people but this job has really helped me appreciate what communities can do,” Stammerjohn said. “I have worked in nonprofits all my life, but here when I get to see people coming together to do things for their community, it gives me a lot of hope for the future. I know people, particularly here in Greene County, care about their community.”

Though she has a lot of responsibilities in her job, there are moments that make it all worth it for Stammerjohn.

“Being able to award scholarships particularly to the high school seniors.” Stammerjohn said. “Knowing that you are helping somebody. So often many students are just so appreciative of them. It is a fun part of the job.”

Stammerjohn stated that she believes that she was meant to be in this field helping people and that God led her to this path because it is where she belonged. 

“When I look back on everything, and how I got to this spot for the community foundation and the 15 years I have spent with it, I feel a lot of God at work,” Stammerjohn said. “That’s all I have to say. I just feel a lot of God at work. Whether it is me, through me, or the interactions that I have with people and the community, I feel a lot of God at work.”