Commissioners 10-21 meeting recap: Funding updates, elections and a new podcast

Waynesburg University

On Thursday Oct. 21, the Greene County commissioners met for their bimonthly meeting to discuss broadband updates, election processes, new resignations and other business. As a way toinform the public about current events in Greene County, the commissioners are starting their own podcast.

“We are excited about that,” Commissioner McClure said. “I’ve talked to a lot of young people, and they do listen to podcasts.” 

The release date of the first podcast will be Nov. 1. The commissioners are looking forward to having further outreach in the community.

At the meeting, the commissioners discussed the upcoming election oversight process and appointed members to the Canvass Board. Belding’s appointments were Mike and Elizabeth O’Donnell. McClure appointed Chris and Lesley Stockdale. Zimmerman appointed Kim Cox and Mimi Ritenour.

Planning Commission member Alfred Burns recently resigned from his position. Belding credited him as the longest serving member of the committee, with over twenty years of service. Belding thanked Burns for all of his efforts in helping Greene County.

“We appreciate his loyalties and activities that he took upon himself for the Planning Commission,” Belding said.

Updates on the ARC grant funding for Broadband were also discussed at the meeting. A Memorandum of Understanding with Windstream Pennsylvania, LLC was approved. The agreement is in regards to the ownership, construction, installation and maintenance of network facilities. 

“This is the next line of funding for our Broadband deployment opportunities. With an industry match, it’s more than $5 million to get Broadband as far out into the county as we can,” Belding said. “We’re proud of the progress we’re making there.”

Other county projects were reviewed in addition to the county’s broadband project. The commissioners approved the submission of four projects to the federally funded Community Block Development Grant program. The county project is intended to replace a sandbed in Wayne Township and seeks $189,545. The Cumberland Township project aims to assist home owner-occupied single-family rehabilitation. The project would cost $99,792. The Franklin Township project asks for $105,624 T565 for the Hill School House Road water line extension. The final project is the Waynesburg Borough Project. It aims to improve ADA accessibility in the Eva K. Bowlby Library, costing a total of $78,070. 

At the meeting, the commissioners approved the proclamation for Disability Employment Awareness Month. McClure thanked Deneen Shrader from Human Services for being present to accept the award at Wednesday’s agenda meeting.  

During the public comment portion, Janice Gottschalk and Linda Winegar from Greene Together spoke about signage concerns in Greene County. They requested the commissioners form a committee to regulate signage possessing vulgar and offensive language.

Due to a lack of business and a quorum, the Prison Board meeting was canceled. The next one will be held on Nov. 18.

The next commissioners’ meeting will be held on Thurs. Nov. 4. The public can attend in-person at the Greene County Office Building located on East High St. or view the livestream on the commissioners’ Facebook page.