Home wasn’t where I thought I would spend my last days of college or take my finals for my last classes or write my last words for The Yellow Jacket. But things don’t always happen the way you imagine.
Despite separation from my friends, my classes, my professors and my newspaper staff, I can still look back and say it’s been a great year. Not only did I accomplish everything I wanted to accomplish, but I made friends in the process and got to work with and encourage other students to help them be the best they could be at their chosen careers and as people. I wouldn’t change that for anything.
I have come to consider The Yellow Jacket as family and not just work, whether it was spending time in the cold to take a much-needed photo, staying up all night working on newspaper layout or spending one-on-one time with staff members to show them the ropes, those memories will always stick with me.
One of the things I’ll miss the most is simply talking to and interviewing students on campus. I was never happier than when a student or faculty member came up to me to tell me they enjoyed and appreciated an article I wrote, or when a Yellow Jacket staff member or student in the department let me know that my advice or the time I took to help them with something paid off in their work and in their lives.
The Yellow Jacket was such a big part of my life for what feels like so long, and now, I am eager to see what greater heights it will reach moving forward. This chapter in my journey played a large part in beginning my career, and now I look forward to seeing it change others’ journeys too.
Another large part of my life was in the Goodwin Performing Arts Center. I have a passion for two things: journalism and acting, and I was told I wouldn’t be able to keep doing both as I moved into my final years at college. But I’m proud to say I did it, and I would have never forgiven myself if I hadn’t tried.
All through my college experience, a theme kept popping up. When challenges arose, especially in accomplishing my “big bucket” list, I had to see those challenges as opportunities, rather than problems (sound familiar, COM majors?). I want to give others the same advice I constantly had to remind myself of: if you don’t try, and try your hardest, you will never know whether you could have done it or not. Don’t let yourself have regrets. Do your best with the time and resources you have.
I can’t write my last words for The Yellow Jacket without thanking a few people. Firstly, I want to thank my staff. I couldn’t have done any of what I’ve accomplished at the Jacket without them. I know they all have very bright futures ahead of them. I also want to thank Sarah Bell and my husband, Eddie Boice, who both helped me, put up with me and were there for me whenever I needed it. I’ll never forget that The Yellow Jacket is one of the main reasons I found my life-long partner. I want to thank Professor Richard Krause, who always gave me advice when I needed it and pushed me to be the best leader I could be. I also want to thank Director Edward Powers and Dr. Lawrence Stratton, who both believed in my abilities, even when I didn’t, and made an effort to encourage me when I was around them.
Thank you, all, for believing in me and for the experiences I had as a student. I may be leaving The Yellow Jacket, but The Yellow Jacket is never leaving me.