“I hate it. Enough is enough.”
As usual, Sister Audrey Quinn is adorning her servant attitude in face of people’s praise of her. After working as director of the Salvation Army Greene County Service Center for 11 years, Sister Quinn is stepping down from the position.
She isn’t a fan of all the attention.
“I didn’t know this was going to turn out about me,” she said.
Sister Quinn gets these “feelings” for when to move out or move into a position. She has followed it several times before, and it doesn’t seem seem to have failed her yet.
“You give your gift, and move on,” Sister Quinn said. “You know when it’s time to move on.”
Over the years, she has served the county selflessly, said Marilyn Albright, senior field representative for the Greene County Western Division.
“Her positive attitude as the director served the community well,” Albright said. “Sister Audrey organized many events for The Salvation Army Greene County Service Center which would not have achieved success were it not for her involvement.”
Part of the Benedictine Sisters, Sister Quinn moved from Pittsburgh’s North Shore to Greene County in 1989 with Sister Sue Fazzini. In Pittsburgh, the two served as teachers, but when schools began to close in the Pittsburgh area, they decided to move elsewhere to serve. Community service is what they are “called to do” Sister Quinn said, and this county was the right place to serve.
“Greene County beckoned,” Sister Quinn said.
Both sisters lead the Greene County Mission, which Sister Quinn will keep serving. From the “Heart and Sole: Shoes for Kids” program to their backpack project, Sister Quinn has served the community in many ways. She’s picked up a few stories along the way.
“One year, two little girls got new pajamas for their Christmas gifts,” Sister Quinn remembered. “They were so excited they promptly put them on in front of everyone. A simple gift of pajamas.”
Sister Quinn served as a foster parent for 18 years before becoming director. During that time, she worked with 160 children. For her, being a Salvation Army director was “something meaningful to do after foster parenting.”
Replacing Sister Quinn will be difficult, said Albright. As a “one of a kind” person, Quinn has leadership skills and a servant attitude that has inspired those around her.
“Sister Audrey has been a joy to work with,” Albright said. “She is an inspiration and a fantastic role model for the other service centers, service units and even [Service] Corps.”
Even though she is retiring from one position, she has no intentions to slow down her involvement in service.
“I’m not at that point yet,” Sister Quinn said.