When you ask students on Waynesburg University’s campus if there are enough events going on during any given week on campus, they will most likely say yes. But, if you ask them whether they attend many events on campus, they will most likely answer negatively. This is what a survey of 50 students on campus found.
So if students are happy with the amount of opportunities and events presented them, why do they stay in their dorms or decide not to go to those events?
A few of the students surveyed chose to answer that question. Each one said that although there were enough events on campus, they were either not high enough quality, or it did not catch their interest.
Over 65 percent of the students surveyed said they thought Student Activities Board and other student organizations on campus provide enough events, but, only 16 out of 50 students responded they often attend events on campus. That is only 32 percent of those surveyed.
In the survey, students were also asked whether they were going to the spring musical, showing this week, and/or going to the Spring Semi-Formal dance this year. Many more students, 44 percent of those surveyed, said they were planning to attend the musical than those who said they were going to the Semi-Formal dance or even those who said they attend events often.
Of those who answered the survey, only eight students planned to attend the Spring Semi-Formal.
The majority of the 50 people surveyed said there were outside factors that prevented them from attending many of the events that occur on campus. For some, they may have busy majors and simply don’t have the time to spend on optional events. For others it was the quality or how enjoyable they think an event would be.
Events planned closer to dinner time may enable students to attend them more often. Another factor that would help is to plan more interesting events or make current events a higher quality to attract more students.