Every new academic year at Waynesburg University brings new students. Whether the students come in as freshmen or transfer over from another school, they all share one trait: they are new to campus. That level of unfamiliarity often leads to those students feeling lost at the beginning of their time at Waynesburg. If that applies to you, please keep reading. I am a senior, and as such, I have some tips I would like to pass on to hopefully ease the transition between the old and the new.
My first tip is about resources. Waynesburg University is wonderful in helping those that look for it. Need help with classes? The Pathway Center. Feel that you need counseling? The campus has several counselors, and it is all free to students. Any troubles with housing? Each dorm has its own staff of resident mentors and a resident director waiting to help.
“The [resident mentors] are not here to get you in trouble,” Bruce Christensen, a senior resident mentor in Willison Hall, said. “We are here as a resource for you to use, a friend to be made and someone to help you during your time at Waynesburg.”
Second, keep on top of schoolwork. You may take other roles on campus, but your first and most important role is that of a student. Some majors are more academically demanding than others, but regardless of that, it is critical to stay on top of things.
“Use a planner to schedule out not only your classes, but when assignments are due,” Christensen said. “If there is a large project on the horizon, start working on it ahead of time so you can avoid cramming before the due date.”
It is also important to remember that being a good student sometimes requires more than just doing the homework.
“If a teacher says the homework is optional, still do it. Repetition and practice are important, especially in math classes,” Christensen said.
My third and final tip is probably the most important: take advantage of the opportunities that make college special. Most people only get one chance to be enrolled, so make the most of it.
“Go to the school events. Football, soccer, baseball, go to everything you can,” Christensen said. “I didn’t and I regret it.”
Personally, I think getting involved in whatever you are passionate about is the easiest way to start enjoying college. I hated Waynesburg when I first got here, but that is because I hardly ever left my room freshman year. Once I got out into the community, started interacting more with the Department of Communication and actively going to events, my experience improved dramatically.
Those were the tips I wish I had when I was a freshman. I understand that entering a new community like Waynesburg can be intimidating, but I promise that the end result is worth the effort. If you need some help, there are some resources you can access whenever you are ready.
“Never be afraid or ashamed to go to a [resident mentor] or counselor if you need help,” Christensen said.