What’s going on in Greene County (2/13/23)

Local library hosts mahjong club

The Eva K. Bowlby Library has begun hosting a mahjong club every Wednesday. The club will be meeting at the library this Wednesday, Feb. 15  from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. If interested, RSVP at the library’s circulation desk or call 724-627-9776.

Jefferson-Morgan high school to hold blood drive

The Jefferson-Morgan National Honor Society will be holding an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, Feb 15 as well. The blood drive will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Jefferson-Morgan Middle/High School gym. 

Registration: Schedule a Blood, Platelet or Plasma Donation | American Red Cross (redcrossblood.org)

For more information, emails can be sent to mhuba@jmsd.org

Ribbon cutting at new ice cream shop

On Friday, Feb. 17, there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the new Farley’s Hotel Cafe. The ceremony will take place from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the shop’s location at 55 S. Morgan Street, Waynesburg.

Information for these briefs were collected from the Visit Greene Events page, the Jefferson-Morgan School District Facebook page, and the Greene County Chamber of Commerce’s Facebook page.