Students hold “Tuff Puff” volleyball tournament
Students from Jefferson-Morgan and Carmichaels school districts have come together to hold a “Tuff Puff” volleyball tournament. The event takes place on Friday, March 3. Doors open at 5:30, and volleyball games start at 6:30 in the Jefferson-Morgan high school gym. The matches will be Jefferson-Morgan boys vs Carmichaels boys and all profits will go to the Colby Stars Foundation.
Local church holds Open Gym Night
Also on Friday, March 3, Waynesburg First Assembly Church will be holding an open gym night from 5-7 p.m. Students from grades 1-5 are welcome. Pre-registration is required and can be completed by emailing tgfirstag@gmail.com or by calling 724-627-5356.
Cub Scout Pack to hold breakfast dinner
Cub Scout Pack 1168 will be holding a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Sunday, March 5. The event will run from 9-11 a.m. located at 1206 Crucible Rd, Rices Landing. The pack will be serving pancakes and biscuits with gravy and all donations made will go to the Cub Scout Pack.
All information for these briefs were gathered from the Greene County PA Events Facebook page and the Waynesburg PA Events Facebook page.