A new semester has begun at Waynesburg University, and that means clubs and organizations alike are back in full swing, with so many new things being introduced. That is even more amplified for the Head of Student Development, Kelley Hardie.
In conjunction with her role as Dean of Students, Hardie oversees the happenings of every major department on campus. “Not only do I work with those activities, but I oversee their budgets, our goals and objectives for each semester, as well as any emergency situations that happen for students outside of the classroom,” Hardie said. This most notably includes residence life, counseling and health services, among others.
As soon as students returned to campus, the selection process began for resident mentors for the next academic year. Interviews will take place in a few weeks after applications close. Heidi Dziak, the director of housing, will play a large role in that proceeding. That, on top of the room selection process for next year, which is right around the corner.
Hardie disclosed that counseling is looking to hire someone new. Waynesburg did hire Ed Sutter at the beginning of December, who received education from Duquesne and the University of Pittsburgh according to the University staff directory.
A partnership between health services and the Red Cross has been formed, with the latter providing support for future blood drives. On top of that, a major change has come to provide the best health precautions on campus. “Samantha Steinmiller received two grants and we have AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) in the Chapel and South Residence Hall,” Hardie said. That works towards providing immediate help should emergencies occur in those areas.
Hardie also holds the responsibility of the Director of the Center for Service Leadership. On Jan. 25, a Service Fair was held, with Assistant Dean of Students Adrienne Tharp, played a big role in putting that all together. “The spring fair is for community partners, summer camps and conferences, and study abroad,” Tharp described. “It’s an opportunity for students to find volunteer opportunities.”
The study abroad aspect is brand new this year to the fair, which brought so much more opportunity to add to what already existed. “I hope to see that grow and to have more groups come to share the opportunities for studying abroad,” Tharp said of the international facet.
Both Tharp and Hardie echoed the same sentiment when it came to service- that it’s part of Waynesburg University’s mission to teach “faith, learning, and service,” which can be applied to life while on campus and beyond. “For international trips in particular, it’s a great way to travel and learn from other cultures and experience a different culture from our own,” Hardie said. “Service gives students an opportunity to gain real-world, hands-on experiences,” Tharp said.
In March, the 175th anniversary of Waynesburg College/University will be celebrated with Charter Day. It’s one that Hardie is blessed to be a part of. “This Charter Day is definitely going to be one to remember, and to celebrate, and to carry on the mission for more years to come,” Hardie said.
Inclusion is being highlighted this semester, with February being Black History Month. That comes with its own speaker series, as it has in the past. The dates for that are Feb. 6, 13 and 20. More information will be released as those dates become closer.
Diversity has been brought by way of student activities, with the Unión Latino being established this semester. Roommates Lluvia Suarez and Diana Hernandez decided to start the club because they felt Waynesburg didn’t have enough Hispanic representation. “When I came here, I felt very culturally distinct from the others, and I really missed my culture back home,” Suarez said. “I wanted to bring it here so I wouldn’t feel that homesick all the time.”
The club had its first meeting on Jan. 22, and plan to meet two Mondays a month at 7:30 p.m. on the third floor of Stover. For Valentine’s Day, they plan to serve fresas con crema, which is a traditional Hispanic dessert. They are partnering with the Sting Swing to do an exchange of dance moves at one of the meetings. They also want to do a Loteria night, which is a Hispanic game. “A lot of people don’t know, and we want them to know us, and our lifestyle,” Suarez said.
Over the next three months, the organizations that fall under student development will be coming out with much more, all with the goal of benefitting the students of Waynesburg University.