Resident Director writes book about life and finding God

Anthony Jarrell always loved to be creative. Whether it was making videos in high school or expressing his musical talents, he loved being able to share his happiness with others.

Most recently, the Resident Director (RD) from of Martin hall ventured into something he never thought he would ever do- write a book.

While being an RD and helping create a church in Morgantown, WV, Jarrell loves being able to share his life’s story. He has had people come up to him to make a book and he said he thought they were crazy.

Jarrell was hesitant at first but got started planning out this potential book in May of 2017.

“I started building an outline and kept adding and adding to it,” said Jarrell. “I kind of got on a roll. Then when I was done I shared it with a few people just for some feedback and got some really good feedback.”

Over the summer Jarrell spent time editing the book and searching for potential publishers. He eventually found one that he liked then at the end of August it was published.

Jarrell wanted to make a book that anyone could pick up and read whether it was now or twenty years down the road. Most importantly, he wanted to create something that everyone could relate to.

“It’s a story about regular life and trying to find Jesus in the middle of it. It’s a story that can resonate with people and I think it already is,” said Jarrell.

The book takes you through Jarrell’s life growing up with his family, life in high school, college and everything that has come after.

“I paint a picture of some things I had to go through growing up. Through high school and how I became a Christian and go through faith,” said Jarrell.

“What does it mean to be a Christian and what that looks like out of church.”

Jarrell understands that he isn’t an athlete or anywhere close to famous. This is how he hopes to reach crowds by people being able to resonate with the stories that he shares.

Jarrell has met a lot of people who feel that they don’t fit into society and believes that it doesn’t matter if you’re athletic, nerdy or anything like that- you still belong.

“A story that I am trying to share about hope and how Jesus changed my life,” said Jarrell. “It didn’t have anything to do about me measuring up or not being good enough- but just understanding that I could belong in Him and that’s where my hope could be.”

This feeling of hope is where the title of his book comes from. Just like his book summary says, this is a book for anyone wondering if there’s more to life. “Exile: A Story of Finding Hope” is just that.

This book is about more than just finding God and about his life. Jarrell hopes that people get something out of the read.

“I hope that [people] would get hope from this, that people would know that they are not alone in the things they are struggling with,” said Jarrell. “That the pain that is in their lives and mistakes, and feelings that they don’t belong are all temporary.”

Jarrell’s book is available online at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.