Samantha Pete steps into multiple new roles

Waynesburg University graduate student, Samantha Pete knew that her workload of being a graduate student and having a job at the University was going to be a challenge while previously balancing a separate part time job. 

“I was also working a part-time job in addition at the time which led to a lot of stress and feeling like I was letting others down, as I didn’t always have the time to put forth my best work,” Pete said. “Since then, I often remind myself of this lesson of understanding which tasks I can manage at one time, which is crucial to my success as an employee of two very busy offices on campus.”

Pete’s job at Waynesburg is a joint role where she works in the Pathways Center, as well as the Office of Records & Registration as the Academic Services Coordinator. 

Pete says that depending on what she is working on each day depends on if she is working in the Pathways Center or the Office of Records and Registration. 

“How I split my time between the Pathways Center and the Office of Records and Registration can vary from day to day depending on which tasks are the most urgent,” Pete said. “For example, on a day when we are hosting a career event, I spend almost all, if not all of the day working for the Pathways Center. However, on the Records and Registration side, when I receive a lot of graduation applications and audit requests from seniors, especially from seniors who are planning to graduate during the current semester, those can take up a lot of my time.”

Director of the Pathways Center, Sarah Bell, talks about what she does when she works in the Pathways Center. 

“Sam is in charge of the University Career Closet, and she manages the University internship program as well,” Director of the Pathways Center, Sarah Bell, said when speaking to Pete’s multiple roles at Waynesburg. “ She offers both academic and career-related support for students while serving as both an advisor and an academic mentor as well.” 

Pete has been working in the Pathways Center since her freshman year in 2019 as an intern before stepping into her current role. 

“Over the years, I have grown to know Sam as an employee and a friend,” Bell said. “She is driven, compassionate and efficient. We really love having her on our team.” 

Director of the Office of Records & Registration, Brian Carr, says that Pete’s impact in the office is extraordinary. 

“She is a key cog to our operational engine,” Brian said. “Some of Sam’s many strengths are that she is very detail-oriented, precise and efficient.”