Communication department acquires new and improved technology

Cameras, MacBook desktops, tripods, and the voice booth- these are all new and improved pieces of technology for use on the fourth floor of Buhl.

The Department of Communication has added some new pieces of technology with the goal to enhance students’ capability in and out of the classroom. Each piece of equipment helps each major in the department and is even available to those outside of the department.

Chairman of the department of communication, Richard Krause, explained the big push to improve and add some new equipment to the floor.

“Two plus years ago, we assessed where we are, and we knew we had some issues,” Krause said. “We felt with the TV side, we had fallen back.”

This issue of old technology and “falling back” became a number one issue for Krause. Thanks to the help of President Douglas Lee, donors, and some of the students in the department, getting the new technology became a reality.

In one of Krause’s classes, his students conducted a “three to one campaign” to help raise money. 

“For every dollar that was invested we were going to find three dollars somewhere else,” Krause said. 

This campaign raised a large sum of money to help bring this project to life.

The focus on updating this equipment was all for the benefit of the students. Krause strives to reach the “industry standard” so that when students reach the field, they already have a large amount of experience in front of the camera, behind the camera, in the booth, and on the field.

“Everything begins with you guys. It’s all about the students,” Krause said. “We are trying, to the best we can, remain in that standard.”

Some of the updates enhance all sides of the department and even add new opportunities for every student involved. The new cameras and tripods add new positions and new perspectives for all current and incoming students.

Jeremiah Miller, the executive producer for the Waynesburg University Sports Network and senior in the department of communication, sees this new technology as a stepping stone for the department.

Inside the new vocal booth

“I think the[vocal booth]) is a great opportunity for underclassman and incoming students to get their hand on it really quick,” Miller said.

Along with increasing the department’s horizons, Miller is grateful for the new opportunities the new equipment brings to current students.  

“The new camera tripods have been a huge help,” Miller said. “It’s been a huge key for us especially on the sports network side and it will come into effect for WCTV for shows like the newscast when a camera is needed in the field.”