Grace Hutchison

Media is reprogramming our society

The media and what it portrays helps paint our view of the world, our opinions of one another and structures what our culture deems as acceptable. Pause for a second. Ruminate. Reread that sentence. Upon reading the sentence you may have shrugged slightly or yawned of boredom. Sure, media influences us, but who really cares? … Continue reading

Forensic science department hosts mock crime scene

Over 45 prospective students wandered through the classrooms of Buhl Hall Nov. 10, collecting clues to investigate a “drug deal gone bad” as a part of the annual Mock Crime Scene sponsored by the Forensic Science Department.  Michael Cippoletti, assistant professor of forensic science, oversaw the event and strategically selected the content of the crime … Continue reading

Internet contorts first amendment

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”  Any student who passed even the most basic civics class … Continue reading

EQT Center hosts childrens’ event

Center hopes to add community value through kids

The EQT Recreational Center, established in Waynesburg approximately one year ago, has a commitment to providing local families with opportunities for fun they might not have had otherwise, says Meghan Ricciuti, who has worked as a childcare lead at the center since it’s opening. The EQT center was “most definitely” established in response to the … Continue reading

Diversity in the Classroom

Increasing diversity would enrich college education, sociology professor says

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is part two of a series that highlights diversity at Waynesburg University. Abolade Ezekiel Olagoke, associate professor of sociology, is no stranger to the subtle intricacies of different cultures. In fact, he said he thrives on learning them. His office is a hodgepodge of artifacts, books and flags; a tangled web … Continue reading

Diversity on Campus

Admissions office gives ‘no special consideration’ to minority students

EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is part one of a series that highlights diversity at Waynesburg University.  When it comes to racial diversity, Waynesburg University certainly is not breaking any records, said Shari Payne, vice president for enrollment. “Waynesburg is obviously not a very diverse town,” Payne said. “Greene County is not a diverse county. That’s … Continue reading

Applying for an absentee ballot for the 2018 midterm elections

For Waynesburg University students who are eligible to vote in the upcoming Nov. 6 midterm elections, but are unable to return to the county in which they are registered due to attending the university, are encouraged to apply for and submit an absentee ballot. To begin the application process for an absentee ballot in Pennsylvania, voters … Continue reading

Senators volunteer for committees

The Oct. 9 Student Senate meeting began with the weekly invocation led by its president, senior history major Tyler McCoy. Following the prayer, the meeting contained the organization’s signature style of short, concise tasks including role call, committee meetings and the bureaucratic voting on the approval of minutes.  To some, the rigid routine and structure … Continue reading

New .edu website a work in progress

The university’s anticipated relaunch of their website, posted in mid-September, featured a total overhaul of the site, including an entirely new look, manners of navigation and a different style of organization. The website faced some minor technical difficulties immediately after its posting, as students and faculty had trouble using the search bar and received error … Continue reading

Student Senate evacuates meeting

Meeting location moved due to tornado

The typical chatter of senators and public attendees immediately before the Oct. 2 student senate meeting was interrupted by a campus security guard, alerting them of a tornado warning in the area. “It was a first-time experience for me,” Benjamin Dodge, junior pre-med major and social vice president of the senate, said. The guard notified … Continue reading

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