Coach’s Cafe under new ownership, new management

Opening only a month apart last year, Waynesburg Coffee Co. and Coach’s Café provided renewed commerce in downtown Waynesburg. Half a year later, ownership has exchanged hands.

Co-Owners of Waynesburg Coffee Co., Drew and Laura Johnson, have been friends with the original owner of Coach’s Café, Matt Tedrow, for many years. It made sense to accept, Laura Johnson said, when Tedrow recently approached her with the possibility of purchasing his business.

“Really, it was simple,” Johnson said. “[Tedrow] came to me and asked me if I would be interested in buying it. He had some personal matters going on and wouldn’t have the time to be there. We’ve been friends for many, many years and he just thought to ask me first.”

Though Tedrow is no longer the owner of Coach’s Café, Johnson said he hasn’t hesitated to offer assistance or advice with the business.

“[Tedrow is] still very involved with the business itself,” Johnson said. “Although he isn’t running it himself, he’s definitely helping me out and giving suggestions.”

With the responsibilities of operating Waynesburg Coffee Co. and Coach’s Café, Johnson said she’s taken primary charge in running the café, while her husband focuses on the coffee company.

Despite the change of ownership, Johnson said there hasn’t been a lot of change to the establishment. Keeping the same employees as well as the same menu items and prices, Johnson said she’s gotten a positive response from the consistency.

“We’re not changing anything,” Johnson said. “Everything is going to be the same – the pricing of the food – we’re not changing anything. We just want people to not think, ‘Oh wow, it’s going to be something new; it’s going to be something different.’ It’s going to be the same thing, just different owner.”

Johnson has maintained the core of the Coach’s Café menu and pricing, but she said she recently added a burger to the menu.

“I’m just going to listen to what people want,” Johnson said. “Right now, everyone is ecstatic that nothing is changed. I did add a burger [after a] couple of Borough police officers wanted to name a sandwich after them, so they came up with it.”

Despite both Waynesburg Coffee Co. and Coach’s Café offering food items, Johnson said there isn’t much cross-over between the two.

“The coffee company is wonderful,” Johnson said. “But it focuses more on coffee, so there is a small coffee shop menu. [Drew] is looking to expand his menu a little bit, but just what you would expect from a coffee shop.”

Reflecting on the experience of helping run the coffee company for half a year, Johnson said operating the café isn’t much different, albeit more involved, with a bigger menu.

Now tasked with an additional business to run on top of raising children, working for AT&T and managing Waynesburg Coffee Co. on the side, Johnson said she thoroughly enjoys the task at hand.

“We’re excited and thankful for the people that keep coming out and supporting us locally,” Johnson said.