Gods time

With the semester wrapping up for students, the Center for Students and Leadership has decided to have an on-campus student-led retreat titled Kairos on March 25-27 to help students to unwind and have time to rest in the presence of God hence the name “Kairos”.

“Kairos means ‘God’s time,’ so the idea is that students are able to forget about their responsibilities and everything they have going on and really make space for God to speak truth into their hearts and lives,” Elizabeth Garren, a graduate assistant at Waynesburg University said.

According to Gareen, this is the first year, due to covid restrictions, that the retreat will be held on-campus. 

“The first Kairos Retreat was held in October 2014. It was a combination of students and staff bringing it together. We took a break due to COVID so it’s good to be back,” the Director of the Student Leadership Team Adrienne Tharp said in an email.

This year, the location for the retreat will be a bit different compared to other years.

“The Kairos retreat is normally at an off-campus location (typically at a local camp facility) but due to COVID regulations, the retreat will be held on-campus this semester. We are going to spend the majority of the weekend in Buhl. The student leaders felt that this space could be used best for what the retreat involves,” Garren said. 

Although the retreat has been limited to a smaller number of people this semester, the Center for Students and Leadership is hoping to have a larger number of students attend when the signups are available for next year’s retreat. 

“The retreat this year is a little more unique since we really aren’t off campus, but we are making the best of it. I want students to really be open to the weekend and just take advantage of the time to be with God – it’s hard to make that time,” Tharp said.

According to Garren, signups were closed at the end of spring break to prepare details and pray for the retreatants. They hope to continue this retreat in the future as well. 

“The overall goal for the retreat is to allow students to cultivate community, learn more about themselves and each other and grow in their faith. My hope is that students are able to be vulnerable and feel loved and known by their peers and by Christ,” Garren said.   

Students are encouraged to email Adrienne Tharp or Elizabeth Garren with any further questions about the Kairos retreat and upcoming events.

Students who were unable to sign up for the retreat are encouraged to attend some other events happening in Campus Ministry. Lenten Lunches: every Thursday during Lent at 12:15 p.m. in Stover Campus Center, Upper Room: worship service in Robert’s Chapel at 8 p.m. every Sunday and Chapel Services: every Tuesday at 11 a.m. in Robert’s Chapel.