Thanksgiving break, only the best time of the year. Great home cooked meals, time with your family, football, and not a single worry in the world. I believe it is the most peaceful, and relaxing break of the entire school year.
Peaceful is the best word to describe what is the single best holiday of the year. The only stress that can occur is the turkey cooking long enough or if there will be enough pie for the entire family. As college students, a peaceful time with no stress is exactly what we are looking for in break.
“At this time of the year we haven’t had a break since fall break, just to get 4 or 5 days of rest is just going to be awesome and immaculate,” sophomore student Dean Shazer said. “And that Thanksgiving meal, a home cooked meal, is one that I haven’t had in months, [it] is going to be so good, so it is going to be a relief and a good time to spend with family.”
The best part, the food! The most iconic of Thanksgiving must be the food. I believe that it is the best meal of the year. I can smell the delicious turkey, stuffing, gravy, and pumpkin pie now! But I am not the only college student that believes the food is the best part about Thanksgiving break.
“I cannot wait to enjoy the food,” sophomore student Benicio DeFalco said. “I believe it is some of the best food of the year and definitely some of the best times of the year.”
You can’t argue with that logic. The food on Thanksgiving is top tier compared to other holidays.
After the food, there is no better feeling than when the yearly turkey coma begins to sneak up on you while trying to watch the rest of the football game. Such good food that your body needs to nap just to rest in the deliciousness of it all.
Everyone has their own reasons for being excited for Thanksgiving break, but for me I am thankful for the entire break. I am so excited to see all my family, have a relaxing break, and to wind down and have no worries of school.
But…I am most excited for the food.