Volunteer opportunities come back again

Greene County United Way, a local nonprofit located on High Street, held their first Day of Service in four years on Sept. 25.  The agency sent 34 volunteers to four different locations for service, and had a donation drop-off booth for Catholic charities, Dress for Success or Corner Cupboard Foodbank set up in front of … Continue reading

Parnell speaks at Greene County Fairgrounds

On Saturday, Oct. 2, Sean Parnell spoke at the Greene County Fairgrounds. Parnell is a Republican candidate for one of Pennsylvania’s two seats in the United States Senate. The incumbent, Pat Toomey, announced in October of last year that he would not seek re-election.  Parnell is endorsed by former President Trump, Senator Josh Hawley from … Continue reading

Greene County receives additional funding for its FASBA program

Greene County’s Forgivable Advance for Small Business Assistance (FASBA) program was recently granted an additional $300,000. According to a press release, the original $900,000 was distributed to 24 businesses in Greene County. Crystal Simmons, Community Development Block Grant and Home Investment Partnership Program Director, said that the additional funding is available on a first-come, first-serve … Continue reading

Weekly Farmers’ Market returning to normal

Video courtesy of WCTV, Rachel Pellegrino Despite last year’s increased popularity, Waynesburg’s weekly Farmers’ Market is back to “pre-pandemic” normalcy.  Hosted by Waynesburg Prosperous & Beautiful, Waynesburg Farmers’ Market invites residents from mid-May through Mid-October to support local farmers, gardeners and bakers every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Farmers’ markets in Greene County … Continue reading

Touch-A-Truck event held in Waynesburg

Video courtesy of WCTV, Rebekah Vaughan On Saturday, Sept. 25, the First Baptist Church of Waynesburg hosted the annual Touch-A-Truck in the church’s parking lot. With COVID-19 putting a damper on the festivities of last year’s event, the Church opted to dub this as the “9.5” anniversary.  Local organizations such as fire departments, police departments, … Continue reading

Commissioner Board Meeting Updates (9-16-21)

At Thursday’s meeting, the Greene County Commissioners recognized September as Suicide Prevention month, distinguishing Sept. 10 as Suicide Prevention Day. They also approved September as Recovery Month-in regards to  drugs and alcohol addictions-and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month. Both Commissioner Mike Belding and Betsy McClure were present; Blair Zimmerman was absent due to his … Continue reading

Multiple cats rescued in Greene County

Nearly three weeks ago, 29 cats were found living in a filthy Greene County home. Now, those cats are being treated and cared for by Teddy Bear Care, a Carmichaels-based animal rescue group. Humane officer Robin Leighty described the conditions of the house as, “One big huge litter box. I mean, that’s the only way … Continue reading