Regular meetings to be held across Greene County
The Greene County Commissioners will be holding their agenda meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 10 a.m. The Commissioners Board Meeting will be held the next day, Thursday, Nov. 17 at 10 a.m. These meetings will take place at 93 E. High Street on the first floor meeting room.
The Prison Board will be holding the Prison Board Meeting on Nov. 17 at 11:45 a.m. after the commissioners meeting- same location.
More information on these meetings can be found on the Greene County events page.
Greene County Historical Society & Museum to hold Educational Lectures
The Greene County Historical Society & Museum will be holding an education lecture on Nov. 17 from 6-7:00 p.m. The topic for this lecture: “Civil War Defenses in Pittsburgh with Rich Condon.” The event will take place at the Greene County Historical Society and Museum. Directions and more information can be found on the event page.
Turkey Trot to take place in Waynesburg
The Eva K. Bowlby Library will be holding its 6th annual 5k walk/run on Nov. 19. Included in the festivities are a 1k pet walk, a 1k children’s fun run, the 5k walk and the 5k run. The events kick off at 9:00 a.m. with the pet walk. An award will be given for the best dressed pet. To register, visit the event link. Visit the library’s website for more information.
All information for these events provided by the Greene County PA website.