Class of 2017 raises funds to create WU signage on campus

Committee aims to leave lasting legacy for seniors

As the Class of 2017 has been preparing to end their Waynesburg University careers, the Senior Gift Committee has been working to find a tangible gift to leave a legacy for the class.

This year’s senior gift to the university is “Waynesburg University” signage, to be placed at a location still undetermined. The sign proclaiming the university’s name will be near a frequently-traversed part of campus to identify the campus for the university community and visitors.

“Waynesburg University is lacking a sign to say you are on campus,” said Emily Hackman, senior communication major and member of the Senior Gift Commit-tee.

At other colleges and universities, they have great places to take photos with the sign of their institution behind them. We were missing out there is nowhere on this cam-pus where it says you are at Waynesburg University.

In addition to Hackman, the committee included seniors Cassidy Graham, Amelia Graves, Amy Hawley, Matt McDermott, Annie McGlaughlin, Emily Meilcarick and Tyler Miller. The committee worked with Vikki Beppler, as-sistant director of alumni relations, and University President Douglas Lee on the project. McGlaughlin said the goal of this year’s gift is to provide a lasting, beneficial product.

“The motivation is to give the university some-thing useful and some-thing everyone will benefit from,” said McGlaughlin. “We hope the sign is there for years to come and welcomes all sorts of people.”

Hackman said the new signage is a way to encompass the diversity of talents and experience in the Class of 2017.

“There was not one moment that [the committee] thought captured the spirt of the Class of 2017, so we went with an idea that everyone can enjoy for years to come,” said Hackman.

“Our class is made up of athletes, intellectuals, leaders and just brilliant individuals. It is hard to find something to give back to the school that everyone could and would appreciate its value.”Not only will the gift serve as the current senior class’ legacy to the university, a way for the students to be remembered, but it is also a token of thanks from the class to Waynesburg.“We have spent four years here, and Waynesburg has given us all so much,” said McGlaughlin. “It shows our love for our almamater and how much we have enjoyed our time here as students.”

The senior gift will be funded by the students and family of the current senior class. Hackman encourages individuals to donate, as the signage will be a permanent fixture that will be show-cased for the entire community.

“It is a gift that will have a lasting impact and will be visible to the campus and surrounding community,” said Hackman. “Everyone chose Waynesburg University for a reason and it is time to come together and thank the university.”

Students and families can donate at, and they will receive a gift of thanks in return. Families can donate in honor of their senior student.