WU Study Abroad program expands in new partnerships

Waynesburg University’s Study Abroad Program has sent students to several countries. For 2018, Waynesburg has expanded their program by adding partnerships with International Studies Abroad (ISA) and Institute for Study Abroad (IFSA)-Butler University.

Each partnership was looked at by Sarah Bell, academic coordinator, and established after first brought to the table by students. Students must choose a program available through the university in order to be considered to take institutional aid with them as they studyin a foreign country.

Bell said the IFSA program is a separate organization under Butler University’s name, but is not a direct affiliate of the university.

According to ISA’s website, they have had study abroad programs for undergraduate students since 1987. Their program has a variety of study abroad programs at attributed schools and universities.

Bell finalized both study abroad partnerships within the same time frame around March 2.

Bell said what stood out to her most, amongst the new partnerships, was that it was the students who introduced it to her by finding their own study abroad program and working to get it approved by the university.

“The cool thing for me about both of these coming to fruition is that Waynesburg students initiated the process with both of them,” Bell said, “and I think that shows that Waynesburg students who are determined to, can really make a difference in programs that are on campus.”

Marketing for students applying for a study abroad program will start next semester. Bell said marketing the new programs will show them what more they have to offer through ISA and IFSA-Butler University.

“I think more specifically the fall will be a big time for promoting the programs,” Bell said.

With the new programs, there will be more opportunities for students to study in more locations than before. Bell said IFSA-Butler University has a more academic aspect to their program and a variety of offers in their program, overall expanding students’ opportunity to study abroad.

“They have different programs that are offered through IFSA Butler,” said Bell, “so it more than doubles the study abroad opportunities for students on campus.”

The annual deadline for the study abroad program is March 1. For those interested in studying abroad through Waynesburg’s programs, contact Sarah Bell in Academic Affairs at sbell@waynesburg.edu or 724-852-7790.