United Way hosts Greene Cuisine event for locals

Greene Cuisine is a well-known event in Greene County, but after four years, a new face is in charge, and the plan is to keep the event going strong. The fifth annual Greene Cuisine fundraising event for United Way took place April 9 at the National Guard Readiness Center in Waynesburg. Many local restaurants were represented at the event. Each prepared a few dishes for those in attendance to sample. The twist this year, though, was that attendees not only tasted food from different vendors but voted on their favorite.

According to the Executive Director of the United Way MaChal Forbes, there were nine confirmed businesses, although she was “hoping for a tenth one.”

The businesses officially involved were 5 Kidz Kandy, Buy Local Buy Greene, Willow Tree Farm, Willow Tree Bakery, South Side Deli, Cakes by Ralph, Don Patron Restaurant and Thistlethwaite Vineyards. Each made a unique dish from their own menus.

For the United Way, Greene Cuisine is the first major fundraiser each year.

“Our goal would be to raise around $8,000 for the event,” said Forbes, “But as a fundraiser, it is also an awareness event. Whoever’s in attendance will learn a little more about the programs and the nonprofits that we help. There will be information about them in brochures [they] can take and [representatives] will have the opportunity to step up and speak about their programs.”

Forbes is at an advantage over the previous executive director when it comes to taking over the position and planning their first Greene Cuisine. Barbra Wise, former executive director and now current consultant for Greene County United Way, is helping Forbes transition into the position, which is something Wise did not have.

“I’m here for whenever she has any questions, I just go [over] everything with her. ‘Stuff-a-Bus’ is our next event, and once we’re done with [Greene Cuisine] I’ll show her how to [plan for that event],” said Wise.

Even though this was the fifth year for the Greene Cuisine event, it has, for the most part, remained the same. The attendance and funds raised has stayed at “about the same amount” without really growing in attendance or fizzling out. One new addition to the event to draw more people in was a silent auction and live music.