As a senior in high school, it is tough to make a decision on what major you want. When I was a senior, since I brought in over 30 credits, I decided why not try two majors. I did not realize beforehand how many classes I would have to take throughout my college career. Now as my collegiate journey is to end, Waynesburg has now once again updated their academic schedule starting in the spring of 2025.
“A new registration category for freshmen who have already accumulated 15 or more credits,” said Director of Records and Registration Brian Carr.” “These ‘super-freshmen’ are able to register on their own in advance, which is often necessary because they have several requirements already satisfied.”
Along with the new aspect for these super freshmen starting this semester, we now have new start times for classes as well.
Times for classes can now start at any 15 minute mark within the hour. To go along with that, there are no classes after noon on Friday, and the University has reduced the amount of general electives a student needs to take to graduate.
Myself, again being a senior, was a little hesitant since this is change and I am not one that does well with abrupt change. I got accustomed to this very easy though, and have a schedule for what I do everyday.
“It makes sense why they reduced the amount of general electives since I think some are unnecessary,” said senior Michael Francus. “It is frustrating as it took time away from me to study for difficult classes. As a result, I saw some of my grades suffer.”
In the long run though, they have made changes to the academic scheduling and all of this started stemming from feedback they received from students and faculty.
“The process with all the changes so far seems to be working well,” said Carr.” “If I could change one thing, it would be that we could somehow prevent students from seeing their schedules until a specific release day.”
Overall, I think the scheduling changes I have heard and been a part of so far have been a success and look forward to seeing this be a part of the success of Waynesburg continuing to grow.