The Waynesburg Community Television station has seen changes since its start on campus. Winning several awards over the years, the station has evolved each year and each show has undergone several changes.
WCTV General Manager, Meg Barry, talked about a few of those changes that have taken place this semester.
“We’ve already had a name change this year with ‘Culture Shock’ that was previously ‘Nerd Alert’,” Barry said. “‘Culture Shock’ also used a split screen on the last episode, so in the bottom left hand corner, Diana Hernandez (co-producer of Culture Shock) was down there with the bracket on a white board while the main panel was 90% of the other screen. Along with that, we’ve been doing more graphics and highlights as well.”
WCTV currently has six shows: “The Newscast,” “Jacket Sports Weekly,” “Culture Shock,” “The Journey,” “Plead Your Case” and “The Buzz.” Barry calls these the “staple shows” because of how long they have been around and the work that has been put into them over the years.
“They’ve all been around a long time, especially ‘Jacket Sports Weekly’ and ‘The Newscast,’” Barry said. “‘The Newscast’ is the reason we’re even allowed to stream on the cable channel in the first place.”
“When it comes to new shows, I would love to add new shows,” Barry said.“There’s been times in the past where we’ve tried to add shows and they just fall off because the producers don’t keep up with them, so in order for new shows to happen, it’s going to take people stepping up and having a passion for it.”
Although new shows have not come by recently, Barry mentioned that current shows such as “The Journey” have taken big steps and are completely different shows.
“Within “The Journey,” producer Connor Hoye has added more segments like “God’s Creation” and “Uplifting Music” and is trying to bring it back to almost a 34 minute show,” Barry said. “It was originally a 30 minute show, but it turned into just, “Words of Encouragement,” and Connor has brought it back to that full length show this year.”
Logan Arblaster, producer of “Plead Your Case,” talked about a few of the changes made to his show for this school year.
“‘Plead Your Case’ has been one of the most popular shows since I was a freshman,” Arblaster said. “So far this year, we have implemented a new mini segment, made more graphics than we’ve ever had and we are updating more each week. I have seen much more debating this year and highly entertaining content which is really important because that is what keeps our audience engaged.”
Each producer expressed their expectations for their show and is working to achieve their own expectations.
“Our goal is to create a comfortable environment for everyone to succeed,” Arblaster said. “We want to be the best student-ran sports debate show in the country.”
Episodes for each show are released each week on the WCTV Waynesburg YouTube channel, as well as the WCTV cable channel. Sneak peeks and short clips from shows can also be found at wcvtv_wu on Instagram.