Despite the challenges that COVID-19 has posed, the Department of Communication at Waynesburg University continues to strive to produce the content they did before the pandemic.
The campus television station, WCTV, had some early struggles adjusting to the COVID guidelines. student general manager Matt Mansfield said, “a lot of shows had to change their format.”
Mansfield mentioned one obstacle the station had to overcome was less people being allowed in the studio. With fewer people allowed at a time, everyone had to learn more about what goes into making a show, Mansfield said.
The station also must wipe down areas that have been touched after use; much like students wipe off their desks after classes.
Despite less manpower, Mansfield says the same number of shows are being produced this semester.
“People have had to step up,” Mansfield said. “If anything I think it better prepares us for the future.”
As for The Yellow Jacket, “this has been our first full year as an all-online newspaper,” said executive editor Andrew Hreha. “That has allowed us to really grow our digital presence… which I think was a blessing in disguise.”
Another major change according to Hreha is meetings.
“We’re no longer allowed to meet in the office, uh, because there is a max capacity of eight people in this room to properly socially distance, and our hired staff is 20 people and that’s not including people who contribute to the paper that aren’t a part of staff.”
Now meetings are held on Microsoft Teams.
Hreha says he is happy with the way the staff has continued to work as a team, even if they have to meet virtually. Hreha said not as many articles are being made, “but as far as the quality of our content, I think it’s actually gone up.”
The students of the department of communication had to adjust to the changes COVID caused, but the challenge has been accepted, and used as experience for the future.