By: Marley Wolf
For the Yellow Jacket

With the pandemic still affecting collegiate sports across the country, the plan for winter sports at Waynesburg University remains up in the air. The schedules for women’s and men’s basketball, along with wrestling will be different over winter break this year than in the past.
Before these times of uncertainty, people would find women’s, men’s basketball and wrestling athletes on campus over break. As of now, there are no set plans for any of the team’s to return after student departure on Nov. 20.
Wrestling is hopeful to get back to work on campus on the first of January. Women’s basketball is hopeful to get back on campus shortly after Christmas, and according to men’s basketball coach Tim Fusina, the guys return to campus is still unknown, but is in the process of being developed.
Having a long break right before winter sports are supposed to officially start is anything but convenient. The coaching staffs of Waynesburg’s winter sports teams are doing all they can to make sure athletes stay in shape and keep working hard during this break.
“We will send our student-athletes home with a lifting program and a running program,” Fusina said. “We will also develop some individual shooting workouts along with watching the film as a team of segments of practices we have had in October and November.”
Sam Jones, women’s basketball coach, has a similar idea. He plans on sending his student-athletes home with shooting and ball handling drills to ensure they are staying in good shape and are continuing to prepare for the upcoming season.
Head wrestling coach Ron Headlee also plans on sending his players home with workouts that include at home strength and conditioning exercises. During this time of uncertainty, Headlee has maintained a positive outlook on the performance of his athletes for this shortened wrestling season.
“This is a tough time for everyone,” Headlee said. “We are trying to stay focused on the future and prepare for the end of the year, and hopefully have a few guys be NCAA All-Americans.”
Of the many problems that could arise from winter sports athletes, coaches are sure that lack of motivation will not be one of them. To ensure this each coach has their own plans of keeping in touch with athletes.
“We will send out little message reminders like ‘Hey X number of days until the first game,’ or like ‘Hey are you getting better today,’” Jones said. “Just gentle reminders. Hopefully our players will be motivated on their own, because that’s when we will be the best when they are self-motivated.”
With the arrival time of players returning after break undecided, Waynesburg’s winter sports teams will be well prepared to tackle each of their seasons. Following months of hard work, each student-athlete is ready for their season no matter how hard it gets and how uncertain the road ahead looks at this time.