Joseph Smeltzer

Football set to host CMU

It’s been four years since the Waynesburg University football team won three consecutive games. After beating Geneva and Thiel the past two weeks, the Yellow Jackets (2-3, 2-2) have a chance to win three straight games for the first time since the 2014 season, when Waynesburg reeled off four consecutive wins between Oct. 4 and … Continue reading

Hot Rod’s owner seeking to repair before selling

Before Sept. 6, Rodney Phillips and his wife, Stephanie, planned on selling Hot Rod’s House of Bar-B-Que. The owners of Hot Rod’s announced their intentions to sell the popular restaurant located on S Morris St. in an effort to move down south, so their son could pursue a career in bull riding. Then, shortly before … Continue reading

Four freshmen elected as new Senate members

Alexandra Morar is familiar with the student government. Throughout middle and high school, Morar, now a freshman political science major, was involved in student council and student government, and  will get a chance to continue her involvement at Waynesburg University. Morar was recently one of four freshmen elected as new members of Student Senate, joining … Continue reading

2018 Homecoming court announced

Last week, the Waynesburg University Student Activities Board [SAB] announced the 10 seniors — five male and five female — that will make up the 2018 Homecoming Court. The court will walk together at John F. Wiley Stadium during halftime of the Homecoming football game Saturday, Oct. 6. The students on the court include Tyler … Continue reading

Students find positive aspects in campus tutoring

When Jake Dougherty was a freshman at Waynesburg University, he was hesitant about using on-campus tutoring. “I know I was a little bit skeptical of going to a tutor at first, because I thought the tutors were going to be super smart and kind of judgmental,” Dougherty said. When Dougherty took up tutoring, however, he … Continue reading

Women’s soccer home schedule worth watching

Fall athletics at Waynesburg University have struggled in recent years, and 2018 has been no exception. Since 2015, the football team is 8-26. This season, they have begun the season 1-3. On the flip side, the volleyball program has won more games this season than in the previous two combined, but the bad news is … Continue reading

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