With frigid weather moving through the region this week, the women’s and men’s indoor track & field teams faced some challenges in preparation for this weekend’s upcoming events.
Head coach Michelle Cross decided Monday morning that it would be more beneficial for the distance runners to split from the rest of the squad this weekend with that group heading to Youngstown State and the remaining members of the team to travel to Mount Union.
“We are actually going to go to two different [meets],” said Cross. “On Friday, our 5K [runners] will be competing at Youngstown’s Invitational, specifically running the 5K. Then, on Saturday we will be traveling to Mt. Union.”
Focusing on certain track & field events have been a challenge so far this season, Cross said.
“The focus for the week needed to be on jumps and throws, but spending time on those skills along with technique has been an on-going obstacle during the winter months because of the weather limiting places to practice,” Cross said.
Since the Yellow Jackets don’t have access to indoor track & field facilities at all times, Cross has had to mix things up.
“We have to juggle when, where and how we do technique,” Cross said. “We don’t have a lot of access to facilities that let us practice fully [in] the way we want to, so we’re creative with it. Continuing to build strength and explosiveness is also a focus.”
With a minimal amount of facilities, coupled with below freezing temperatures this week, the Jackets and Cross were forced to adapt the workout schedule.
“With the polar vortex this week, I’ve had to rework a lot of my workouts to expect them [runners] to be on the treadmill, which always adds another element,” said Cross. “Pacing workouts are difficult, so we try to do speed endurance and hill repeats.”
For Friday’s 5K, Cross holds “high hopes” for senior Teghan Simonton and freshman standout Aubrey Wingeart of the women’s team.
“Particularly for Aubrey, because she was so strong in the 3K and we’ve been training her more for the 5K,” Cross said. “I’m also really excited about Teghan.”
Cross will also be keeping a close eye on junior Jordan Simpson as well as sophomores Megan McElligott and Amber Yaugh.
Cross added that there is “new faces and new blood” on the team this season and she is excited to see what some of the newer athletes can do.
“JaWuan Jones showed a lot of potential in the events he did last week, and Dorian Hardy is currently sitting in first place in the PAC for triple-jump, so I’m excited to see where he goes,” said Cross.
Overall, Cross believes this weekend is an important time in the season, the transition from January to February is when the team chemistry and success begin to show.
“The first month of the season is usually marked by bad weather and not being able to get things where you want it, then in February things start to come together for people so the different aspects of their training start to come together,” said Cross.
The 5K runners for both teams will compete tomorrow at Youngstown State with the rest of the team heading to Mount Union for its events on Saturday.