Incessant, violent hate needs to stop

It starts with a bang. That’s how most mass shootings start. A loud bang, followed by several more loud bangs, indicative to those nearby that something terrible is taking place. Shortly after, the sirens start. And then the push notifications from news outlets. And then the social media commentaries. And then the Facebook profile picture … Continue reading

Journalism changed; the Jacket staff didn’t

Waynesburg University’s official Twitter account recently posted a vintage photograph of The Yellow Jacket staff circa 1968. Students were smiling, gathered around a typewriter, of all things. As a present-day Yellow Jacket staff member, this was a delightful image to see: a group of student journalists, bonding over something they all love. In a lot … Continue reading

Facts are very different than opinions

There is a fundamental difference between facts and opinions. Plain and simple. I see people make this mistake more often than I would like to admit. I see people talk about something they feel is right and yet they don’t have facts to back it up. Now I would be lying if I said I … Continue reading

Leave time for your own happiness

When is the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone? When is the last time you did something out of the ordinary? When have you gone out of your way to experience something that you’re unfamiliar with? For a lot of people, including myself at times, the answer is typically that it has … Continue reading

We can all agree that we don’t all agree

We live in a divided world. That is one of the few things a majority can agree on. Nationwide protests make an already tense political climate even more volatile; discontentment and uneasiness become ingrained in the collective American spirit. In these tense times, as history has told us, we search desperately for a scapegoat, something specific to pin … Continue reading

Starting the Conversation: Andrew Brunette on faith

The following is an interview with Andy Brunette, a Youth Ministry major and Psychology minor, as part of the Starting the Conversation series. Q: Were you raised in a religious household? A: “My mom was Catholic, my dad kind of wasn’t really involved with the church at the time, so he was kind of looking … Continue reading

Facing your fears makes you who you are

My dad and I have always had the same relative interest in movies and books. Meaningless action or adventure doesn’t draw us in – it needs to mean something more than what it looks like at face value. For this reason, we are huge Stephen King fans, and have waited many years for the movie … Continue reading

Cheat Sheet: Hurricane Irma could have been much worse

Hurricane Irma ravaged much of the state of Florida, with Republican Gov. Rick Perry having stated that over six million people in his state are now without power, as of 11:45 a.m. Monday morning. Additionally, Miami City Commissioner Ken Russel says that parts of the city that he represents were pretty much “completely submerged” after … Continue reading