Waves of the WU Flu

As the leaves begin to change and the temperature begins to get cooler, one thing that happens every year in Waynesburg is WU flu. 

“WU flu is a bad case of influenza, and I have seen it more often, especially after Covid and 2020,” said Samantha Steinmiller, who serves as the nurse for Health Services. Students have been more likely to catch the flu at this time of the year due to the rapid change in temperature.  

When asked what students can do to stay away from sickness but also if students happen to get sick, what can students do to stay away from other people, Steinmiller said, “We should still be washing our hands and sneezing by covering our mouth.” Things that people do not really think about when they are sick is how everything they touch gets infected, and especially how it affects their roommates. 

“If you or your roommate gets sick, you should be extra careful of what you guys  share, especially high places of things you both touch like microwaves and door handles,” Steinmiller said. When sick, people often wonder how or what they need to take to feel at least a little better. 

“Students should take flu meds, and also in my case, I have seen NyQuil and Dayquil be really effective in combating this particular sickness,” Steinmiller said. “Fluids are a big thing students need to keep in mind for when they are sick. Try to stay away from sugar drinks and drink water and fluids that has good amounts of electrolytes.” 

“If a student is feeling just a little under the weather, they should not go to class so he or she doesn’t get any of their peers or even the instructor sick,” Steinmiller continued regarding the precautions that should be taken by the students..

When asked if he had ever caught the WU flu or knew people who had it, Waynesburg University sophomore Brayden Barbao said, “I personally have not had it. I wrestle, so I am very close to people who might be sick, so I try to be as clean as possible, especially in the fall.If I ever get sick, I usually just stay in my room, so I don’t get others sick because  that is the courteous thing to do.” 

“What I like to do when I do get sick is that I like to take a hot shower to clear my sinuses, and it really helps with the chills as the hot water makes the chills go away momentarily,” Barbao said.  

It is no surprise that what students go-to drink when they are sick is Gatorade. “I usually drink a lot of Gatorade and water when I am sick. I try to keep hydrated as much as  possible when I am sick so it can strengthen my immune system again,”  Barbao said.