Stover Scholars present Bill of Rights production

On Sept.17, Waynesburg University’s Stover program celebrated Constitution Day. A federal holiday celebrating the signing of the Constitution.

“Two hundred and thirty four years ago today, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia voted upon and signed the Constitution and sent it out for ratification,” said Dr. Lawrence Stratton, Director of Stover Center for Constitutional Studies. 

All federally funded schools must celebrate the holiday in some way shape or form.

“There is a federal law known as the Byrd Amendment, which was pushed by Senator Byrd from West Virginia,” Stratton said. “He said that all institutions receiving direct or indirect federal funding and the educational realm had to do something to honor Constitution Day each year.”

In a joint statement between Elliot Kimbal and Rebecca Shank, both members of the Stover Program, they explained what the Stover Program does to commemorate the occasion.

Each year, the Stover Scholars of Waynesburg University write and present a dramatic performance that deals with a pertinent constitutional issue,” the joint statement said. “Ultimately, the Stover productions aim to provide takeaways for students about various implications the Constitution or applied Constitutional law have on our lives and modern government.” 

In the past, the Stover Scholars have done many different types of productions.

“The Stover Scholars have performed plays that tell the story of various Supreme Court cases, explaining the checks and balances of our government and more,” said Kimbal and Shank.

This year, they decided to do a production on the Bill of Rights.

“This year, the Stover Scholars have prepared a dramatic presentation of the story of the Bill of Rights: Where the rights came from, what they are meant to do and how they affect our lives today. This show is titled ‘The Rights That Are Ours,’” Shank and Kimbal said.

The production had many hands involved in it and was a group effort.

“This year’s Constitution Day play was written by Rebeccah Shank, Ethan Lown, Alexandra Morar and Elliott Kimball,” said Shank and Kimbal. “All of the Stover Scholars were actors and actresses in the show. The show was produced and edited by Bonner Scholar Lachlan Loudon.” 

Though the live viewing of the Constitution Day celebration has passed, there are still ways for students to view the production.

“The premier of ‘The Rights That Are Ours’ will be at the Goodwin Performing Arts Center on Constitution Day, which was on Friday, Sept. 17,” said Shank and Kimbal. “The film showing was at noon, and the video will be subsequently uploaded to YouTube. We hope students enjoy the production!”